
That explains why he calls me a weeb everytime I say something against his opinion lol. (Not annoyed by it tho, just to clarify.)

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I wonā€™t lie that this is one of my problems. Itā€™s something I have been striving to change for a while now but is rather difficult for me. I just try to level with people when it comes to things like this. I like to base my opinions and thoughts off of the actual movies or shows. I should probably stop. Apologies.

I get it. I have just noticed it a lot.

I sometimes have this problem, but I try to see and consider all angles and thoughts.

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This isnā€™t just your problem itā€™s nearly everyone in the worlds problem

It is actually interesting, since you give information on a character and justify why it doesnā€™t need to be eliminated with real information.

Just donā€™t get too personal about it tho, still your arguments are pretty interesting.

This is why everyone should do debate. It can really help with this skill.

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We had speech for this and it was pretty fun

Yeah. Itā€™s something I probably should do. Usually when I talk to people about Marvel or Star Wars, the other person is usually very new to it and doesnā€™t have much of an opinion on it. I probably am used to being the big fan of it to where I donā€™t know how to speak to other fans of it that know just as much or maybe more than me, like you or others.

Iā€™ve loved Marvel and Star Wars since I was born practically. Maybe more than I should. Maybe itā€™s been an obsession at some points. And sometimes, maybe more so than other important things in life. I may have even lost myself in it sometimes. Be that as it may, I need to realize Iā€™m not the only fan here. Thanks for grounding me a bit more, everyone. :).


We appreciate you and your expertise for sure. Just remember you should never have to prove your knowledge or make your opinion seem like fact to see who is the biggest fan. There are lots of fans on different scales and prefer different things to others. For example, I dislike Hulk while you do, but I am still a big fan and my opinions are valid. I just got into it at a different time. Sorry, first example I came up with. Knowing this and trying to recognize these people will make discussion better.


Wow, 94 new replies hereā€¦


Aww you should have went with ā€œI am inevitable.ā€

Tis almost time for next round. :eyes:

Would have been a good idea, but at least they have a similar pose

I might start it like an hour late. :woozy_face:

Itā€™s been 2.

Iā€™ll put it up in a few :sob:

Thank You! :grinning: :grinning:

BrEaK tHe TiE

  • Ultron
  • Wasp

0 voters


And now we wait 24 hours :joy:

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Ultron only had one movie with his name in it. Wasp is gonna have two when the third Ant-Man comes out. Ultron be eliminated


Actually no. The third movieā€™s title is Ant-Man: Quantumania. Meaning, she and Ultron will still only have one movie with their names in it. Maybe though some will call it Ant-Man & The Wasp 2 or something like that. Idk.

Edit. I stand corrected.

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