
Looks like we were up all night to get Loki! :crazy_face:

Special Thanks to @Spark for making this roster! :grin:

Cursed Number:
  • Captain America
  • Spider-Man
  • Doctor Strange
  • Black Widow
  • Star-Lord
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Black Panther
  • Wolverine
  • Quicksilver
  • Deadpool
  • Iron Man
  • Ant-Man
  • The Hulk
  • Thor
  • Stan Lee

0 voters

Rex left a very nice message for those who voted Loki:

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Let’s eliminate Wolverine.
I forgot he was even here :yawning_face:

@Commander-Rex :smirk:


Let’s do Ant-Man instead. He’s great but we’ve got the big dogs here now. Dude gotta go.

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As long as QS gets to top 10.

My wishes for the top 10.

    1. Quicksilver
    1. Star-Lord
    1. Black Widow
    1. Hulk
    1. Thor
    1. Captain America
    1. Iron Man
    1. Scarlet Witch
    1. Stan Lee
    1. Black Panther

I think it’s likely and fair. Hbu? :thinking:

Although I don’t want any of the cliche Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America type to get that high…
Not sure what everyone has against Quicksilver though…

Technically, Loki could be in that list too. I mean, he was the very first Avengers villain and is technically “cliche”. Quicksilver is good but idk, we gotta let BP win imo. Stan would make sense but it may also be a bit cliche. I think respect for both T’Challa and Chadwick is the best idea.

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I want a top 5 of (and in no particular order)

How did I forget Spidey. :man_facepalming:

Legit my favorite superhero, basically. Well yeah, he should probably be top 5 also. Knowing the Marvel community, he will be. Watch Hulk be voted out real soon though. :cry:

But does that top 5 sound good?

Yes. It’s the most likely. But if Tony happened to sneak in, I would appreciate that also. Cliche or not, it’s Iron Man. And RDJ. :sunglasses:


So you want to eliminate him?

Personally this is what I’d like to see for the final five.
5th. Iron Man
4th. Ant Man
3rd. Stan Lee
2nd. Black Panther
1st. Wanda

That’s basically what I want too. Glad we’re all on the same page, basically. :grin:


Where is Spidey?

I said I forgot. He could also win and I would be content. He’s amazing. Any Spidey is. :grin:

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Specifically Toby Maguire

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