
BP is going down in the next few rounds.

Haha, no. Too many people love and respect Chadwick and thatā€™s not happening so just forget about it and vote him out once he gets to the top 5.

Consider it done.


Hm. Maybe Iā€™ll vote him too. Anything to save BP actually. Ah, screw it.

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Good. I like BP too. Just not enough. Chadwick is great.

QS will get up top 10 at least with BP.

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I love QS. And he is a ultimate Chad. But no one is a bigger Chad than Chadwick himself. :fist:

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Starting next round, results shall come out once the poll closes to spice up the competition :grin:

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Oh dearā€¦



Thatā€™s a top 10 thing though. :frowning:

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Thank Discobot for that! :wink:

Also, with the huge amount of characters, it makes sense. :upside_down_face:

It makes sense to do it later!

Nah, I wouldā€™ve made it Top 10 if the wiki had gathered around 20~ish characters! Now itā€™ll be hard to keep your favorites in! :crazy_face:


I forgot Wolverine was in this

No! Groot!!:sob: guess I need to choose someone else now. :disappointed:

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When youā€™re upset about df & f being eliminated, but you read the comicā€¦ (I just got it and figured I should say that now)

I am saying lets kick loki

Was the comic not good?

It wasnā€™t really good imoā€¦ Iā€™m not going to spoil it or the sequel but itā€™s just that power of friendship everything is possible stuff

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I vote scarlet.
Whoever voted Stan lee will be in big trouble!

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