
Monsters :frowning_face:

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Bye Big Hero 6 and R2-D2!


No no no :face_with_monocle:

Wolverine should obviously go, but in the other poll Tom needs to go. It was really close last round, only need a few votes more. R2 on the other hand might actually be the best option for the victory :thinking:

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Next. BH6 is way too long.


Obviously not.

Not long enough yet, just as Hiro, he was cast aside too soon as well.

Yes, he should have gone already. Besides, we already have a 2D kind of Warner animation person in the Champions of the Champions. That is more that enough!

Not according to you :man_shrugging: Though, not everyone has to have the same opinion as you do!

That was good timing, not in top 5.
BH6 isn’t that good to win… again.

wE aLrEadY hAve dIsNEy chaRaCtErs
And more than 1.

So what, everyone needs to have same opinion as you, huh. :laughing:

Oh gosh.

I have a personal vendetta against Big Hero 6 for this reason, also the movie is good, but has the worst villain is Disney’s history.

I really like BH6 but the villain and Hiro’s actions during the middle to end are why it’s a 6/10 for me

Bye Baymax. The rest of the gang will join you soon… 1 vote decided Big Hero 6’s fate…


This is it. Only one of these contenders will reach the Champion of Champions Elimination Game! Who will it be? Who will be sent home?

In one corner we have… the mutant who slashed Big Hero 6 in order to make it here!

And in the other we have an ultra instinct!

Who will win and advance??? You all will choose by voting for the one that you believe should be runner-up!
  • Wolverine (Marvel)
  • Shaggy (Scooby-Doo)

0 voters

Here we still have some business to complete as the speedy hedgehog wasn’t fast enough!

Group 2, Round 17/TOP 4:

Who will not catch up with the 3 who move on?
  • Thanos (Marvel)
  • R2-D2 (Star Wars)
  • Darth Vader (Star Wars)
  • Tom (Tom & Jerry)

0 voters

Monsters :sob:

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Bye Wolverine and R2-D2.

Shaggy to victory. :star_struck:


Shaggy will win! Do it for multiversus!

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Wolverine seeing that he’s about to lose:

That would be funny if he was Spanish… :unamused:

He is in Spanish speaking countries.

The First Group of the Redemption Round has come to a close! We now know who will be advancing to the Champion of Champions Elimination Game!

Our runner-up is...


If you voted for him then watch out!

This means that our winner is...


He will be moving on to the Champion of Champions Elimination Game! Even his pal Scooby joined him in celebrating!

giphy (2)

(I’ll post the final rankings when Group 2 wraps up)

The battle here continues though! Unfortunately, R2-D2 couldn’t keep up!

Group 2, Round 18/TOP 3:

Who else will be left behind and not be apart of the Finals?
  • Thanos (Marvel)
  • Darth Vader (Star Wars)
  • Tom (Tom & Jerry)

0 voters

Terrible :angry:


Now Thanos can leave!

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Bye tom so we can have a villan final


Nah Tom should win, Thanos is a bit… overrated.

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