
Nooooooow we can eliminate Tangled… non-musicals for the win


I would eliminate Zootopia but it’s rather personal to me…so…yeah, Tangled, I’m sorry, I still adore it but Zootopia hits

Yep. But I think it would have been better if it stuck to Nick as the protagonist. Though it would have been a lot darker…

I don’t think I’ll be voting in the next rounds…


  • Zootopia - The movie is too great… also foxes :fox_face:
  • Big Hero 6 - A good movie about a teen prodigy
  • Inside Out - Very emotional :sob:

Why are you guys voting Tangled…

I hope Inside Out or Big Hero 6 win.

WhY wErE YoU aLl VoTiNg FoR Up AnD wAlL-e In ThE pAsT fEw RoUnDs?

BeCauSe TaNgLeD doEsn’T dEsErVe tO bE ElImiNaTeD

Yes, he should have because. Alright fine, I’m just gonna come out and say it, I’m biased to Nick Wilde cause we have the same name. Anyways, Inside Out should win overall

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I love Zootopia. I want Zootopia or Inside Out to win. I love them both and they are just 2 of my many favorites.

Is your last name Wilde? :upside_down_face:

almost all names are boring…

I will now disappear from this thread for a few days (until next elimination game) because Wall-E got voted out. (And I like the others a lot)… so bye bye Tangled!

Can you open the wiki again please? I want to put the
“Am I a joke to you?” and “I make my own options”

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Nooooo, I want to Tangled and Inside out be the finals :sob: all these movies are awesome, but zootopia is my latest favorite, so I vote for it, to #SaveTangled


Tangled should be out

I want big heros 6 to win its among the best disney movies

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Goodbye Tangled, you were close again, but many people had other plans…

Which Movie Shall Fall Short Of The Finals?

  • Zootopia
  • Big Hero 6
  • Inside Out

0 voters

Revenge Party time. For Tangled!

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Please let BH6 win, please let BH6 win…


Amen to that!

BH6 does well so many times. Let Inside Out or Zootopia get a win for once!

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