
Ah. My mistake, then.

When you’re so confused by people not liking memes that you can only respond with another meme.


Lol (10 characters)

The memes I like are missing

TiMe To StArT tHe NeXt ElImInAtIoN gAmE bEfOrE i FoRgEt To

Round 1:

Vote for your least favorite meme!

  • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
  • Jackie Chan : What??
  • GrubHub
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • Stonks
  • Doge Dust Storm
  • Michael Scott Suprised
  • Ugandan Knuckles
  • You don’t say?
  • [visible confusion]
  • Noted.
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Sprite Cranberry
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
  • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
  • Monkey Puppet
  • Coffin Dance
  • This is the way.
  • I make my own options
  • Gru’s Plan
  • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
  • Yeah, This is big brain time
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

25 Memes
 Only 1 Shall Win! Now
 Who will that be? :thinking:

Speaking of Memes, there’s 3 Youtube Meme series they made. They are #Scuttlememe, #GRANMEME, and #CHARMEME. They should be added to next meme elimination game. If possible.

How about no?

They’re not memeish enough like the others in this current elimination game.


Ok. Sorry. Maybe in the next meme elimination game then. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention, “And then along came Zeus, He hurled his thunderbolt!”

Who else came into this expecting Grubhub to go out first lol

We all did, lol, it’s such a awful meme

1 Like

:joy: (10 characters)

I pick grub hub because the ad has dislikes

Bye bye grubhub!! See ya later!!

Boogie on outta here and take your cringe with you!!

May This Cringe Say Goodbye

Round 2:

    • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
    • Jackie Chan : What??
    • Life is good, but it can be better
    • Stonks
    • Doge Dust Storm
    • Michael Scott Suprised
    • Ugandan Knuckles
    • You don’t say?
    • [visible confusion]
    • Noted.
    • Change My Mind
    • Am I a Joke to You?
    • Sprite Cranberry
    • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
    • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
    • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
    • Monkey Puppet
    • Coffin Dance
    • This is the way.
    • I make my own options
    • Gru’s Plan
    • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
    • Yeah, This is big brain time
    • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

Is it bad that I don’t actually hate the GrubHub ad as much as most other people do?

1 Like

I think the problem is that they show it all the time and everybody is getting sick of seeing it.

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That might be part of it.

Just a few more to eliminate Ugandan Knuckles, we can’t lose Sprite Cranberry this early

Sprite Cranberry never dies.

1 Like

What I don’t like about it is how floppy the animation is :man_shrugging:


How is Sprite Cranberry getting voted out already? How is it worse than Ugandan Knuckles?. That meme is way older anyways

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