
Both are going to be eliminated so I don’t see that as a problem now. (They’re both pretty forgettable anyways.)

Is it just me or is the font too large?


Nope. Same for me.


The font is quite big, yes. It’s not just you


Yeah, the font is too big… :grimacing: It should be fixed next round…

1 Like

So, the meme I barely learned about last month leaves…

Round 3:

  • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
  • Jackie Chan : What??
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • Stonks
  • Doge Dust Storm
  • Michael Scott Suprised
  • Ugandan Knuckles
  • You don’t say?
  • [visible confusion]
  • Noted.
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
  • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
  • Monkey Puppet
  • Coffin Dance
  • This is the way.
  • I make my own options
  • Gru’s Plan
  • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
  • Yeah, This is big brain time
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

The Large Font is now Extinct. :skull:

No I don’t think I will :joy:

1 Like



He was already in the last elimination round


You may not pay now, but you will later

Actually I didn´t know that meme exists until I saw it in this game :joy:.

Many of us do not know de wae…

Round 4:

  • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
  • Jackie Chan : What??
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • Stonks
  • Doge Dust Storm
  • Michael Scott Suprised
  • You don’t say?
  • [visible confusion]
  • Noted.
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
  • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
  • Monkey Puppet
  • Coffin Dance
  • This is the way.
  • I make my own options
  • Gru’s Plan
  • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
  • Yeah, This is big brain time
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

But I love the Uganda knuckles meme. It’s funny!

We showed that meme de wae to elimination! (I love that I did this :joy:)

1 Like

Alts were being used…(NO ME GUSTA :face_vomiting:)

This Meme is now Dead… :skull_and_crossbones:

Round 5:

  • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
  • Jackie Chan : What??
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • Stonks
  • Doge Dust Storm
  • Michael Scott Suprised
  • You don’t say?
  • [visible confusion]
  • Noted.
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
  • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
  • Monkey Puppet
  • This is the way.
  • I make my own options
  • Gru’s Plan
  • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
  • Yeah, This is big brain time
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

(It can’t be)
Also noooo, my dust doggos are getting voted :((




There could not be a more appropriate use for that very meme. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well, Isn’t that suprising…

Round 6:

  • Finally A Worthy Opponent!
  • Jackie Chan : What??
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • Stonks
  • Doge Dust Storm
  • You don’t say?
  • [visible confusion]
  • Noted.
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
  • He protec, He attack, but most importantly
  • Monkey Puppet
  • This is the way.
  • I make my own options
  • Gru’s Plan
  • Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
  • Yeah, This is big brain time
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

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