I was looking around and I saw something from last year around May and I thought it was a great idea but I have some additional ideas I will link the other discussion down below btw but I saw they were talking about hero chip trading but I thought why not also trade items like badges, XP, or even coins but I know perblue need money to keep the game alive so I thought maybe it could be one of those things you unlock at a very high level like 100 but it would be a shop and it would show you 6 suggested items and it would refresh like all markets at 9pm but if you were friends with someone you can just trade with them over pms or there could be a new option in the gear icon (where the guild option unfriend option block option and where you can see their challenges) there would be a new one that is the trade icon and you can tap it and either request or confirm a trade with them
You could trade hero chips, badges, hero XP, and coins
So trade options could be
Hero chips for hero chips
Hero chips for badges
Hero chips for XP
Hero chips for coins
Badges for hero chips
Badges for badges
Badges for XP
Badges for coins
XP for hero chips
XP for XP
XP for badges
XP for coins
Coins for hero chips
Coins for XP
Coins for badges
Coins for coins << jk😂