Trial Events Feedback

Aw no Audrey.

Is there any mistake @Loutre @Nugget? Why donā€™t we earn hero chip in the highest difficulty?

Ah itā€™s mentioned here, in the right topic.

Ihr seid nur am motzen!!!

I would rather askā€¦ is this meant to be some differentiation?
If you want Milo Chips raid Stage 3, if you need just Skill Chips (:face_with_raised_eyebrow:) raid Stage 6 and if you want progress on other heroes raid Stage 8?

hello, I didnā€™t get Milo chips and Milo skills in the stage

Iā€™mā€¦ going to assume itā€™s supposed to be cumulative and hold off on the trial for the moment :man_shrugging:

Why do some only give red skill chips for Milo onlyā€¦ no hero chips for those stages :thinking:

And fix the rules or the difficulty, cause it is dreading again. :roll_eyes:

Way too hard :sob:

The last level is pretty challenging but I donā€™t think itā€™s as bad as Olaf trial. The rules arenā€™t THAT bad, they basically just wanted to lock Shego and Zeus. Which makes sense with how OP they are

The last level is just pretty pretty bad.

I have heroes that can deal good True damage, but they just cannot handle heroes that cannot be killed quickly. So removal of Pacha at least there is needed.

I just used Shank + Kristoff and her car oneshots him
Both can be replaced btw, there are higher normal damage dealers than Shank and Kristoff is just for the buff

Nothing hard again, pretty blankā€¦ eh, when there will be some challenge?

And rewards are soā€¦ weird and bad, stage 3 is best as it is, making the event hyper easy.

Stage 4? I would say 3 but ok

Nah last one, 15 badge crates are wayyy better than the few chips and skill chips

What level do you recommend doing? Because they are very strange and honestly I donā€™t know what to do.

Than 60 chips a day? Okeeeey you do you

Itā€™s good if you donā€™t care at all about Milo. Though honestly the hero and skill chips should have been in all stages @Loutre @Nugget

The event lasts for 5 days. 300 chips are nothing compared to 75 badge crates and 120 cosmetic crates

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This is what support told me. Kinda ridiculous in my opinion

Well 5* Miloā€¦ vs

If you have free slots good, bad if you donā€™t.

Useless when one has all stages unlocked.

Yes, I guess they try something new ehhhhhhhhr.

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