Trick or Treating | Forum Game

Lego gained 3 candy!


reply i think

Here is bricks…. :brick:

You’re just being mean :unamused:

candy now?

No… not really… not at all :selfie:t4:

This post is to gain the Robin Hood costume. Will it succeed you ask? It might not, but it is worth a try!

Post of candy for me yum yum thanks

Good :slightly_smiling_face:

Use its power

i reply to that?

DeadCat stole Djaq’s Voyd costume!

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silently watches the conversation

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@PawpsicleSticks use EVE on Djaq :money_with_wings:

But this is fair :unamused:

poor djaq

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Fan behavior deserves fan effect :brick:

I gave you 4 candy via Dr. Calico :unamused:

This is how you repay me. Disappointing

Lucas got Robin Hood’s costume!

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Right after you stole my candies. My costumes… my repayal is fair


I didn’t steal any

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