Trick or Treating | Forum Game


Anyways, another riddle cuz Cannon solved mine:

In two years, Cathrin will be twice as old as she was 5 years ago. How old is she now?


No not the Nickname

Miles Tails Prowesss

No offense, but These aren’t really riddles, dude


I come up with the ones I can but I’m doing this for points and I’ll come up with anything I can to get it

is she now… 8

But they’re not really even riddles…

12 years old. That was a fun one.

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No one has solved this :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think anyone’s guessed it either. :sweat_smile:

6th sense is common sense


ee hee hee

No :upside_down_face:

Smartness? :thinking:

if you think that’s the answer you clearly don’t have it



Oh yeah here’s one for you

The clock says 10:08, how are you felling right now?

…not a riddle

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Oh wait I think I now what it is

Spiritual Sense

Nope :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

wait, did djaq’s riddle win?

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It’s the sense that we will never get it right

I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old what am I?

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