Trick or Treating | Forum Game


But I’m still too early

where discarded candy goes

from costumes and such

dash dash dashing to post 1900

Does the candy serve a purpose at that point then or… ?

I prefer wave-dashing

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Maybe at the end of the game or something

curse mars then
save the moon instead

Yes, half of it should eventually go to me, so please go ahead an use Alice costume

all your candy are belong to us

Well, that’s zero as of now, sooo

The moon can affect tides. :thinking:

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well tides wash sand away, do they not?

Good for you

I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand

Or push sand in

Whenever someone removes candy from someone, it goes there. Some costumes, for example Hades and The Horned King, can be used to get candy based on how much is in it.

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20 more to go

less than 20 posts away boys!

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