Unfair guild gift

Mhhh… who?

Don’t reply to Gelatin he is a spammer he will close the topic if you do!

Yeah, only said that as a warning(not warning more of a suggegtion). Is something nice to do. If they continue Polaris takes care of it.

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No, polaris says just flag do not respond in any way.


Mhhh… yeah won’t really argue with u.

And pliss let’s get back on topic. :blush:

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Server 19 isn’t as bad as server 22 but still not that good


Totally unacceptable! This is super unfair and they know it perfectly. But they only care about money!!! What else could we expect from them?
PerBlue we’ve tolerated a lot of things , but this exceeds their limits.
I’m S2, and I stand in solidarity with my friends from the S21


Server 22 also has the same deal as server 21.

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Apparently they only care about server 1 and 2. What nonsense, everyone should be treated equally, that seems to me super unpleasant on their part

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Server 22. Level 124

It’s all about scaling and costs.
We can’t have the same deals with S1 or any other server.
3 diamond crates might seem low but even if you wanted more, the max we could get should be 5…
Even now with 3, we can have in a full purchase guild 150 diamond crates…do you know how much helpful this is for us? We struggle for top 1% in contests for 50 diamond crates and some times you have to pay more than that 3 diamond crates in order to achieve it.

3, which means 150 diamond crates are a lot…but still not enough to make a big difference between free to play players and pay to win players… 150 diamond crates are helpful but won’t create a very big gap between players, at least not that important to complain about it…

Now Imagine we had the same deals with other servers…20,30,50 diamond crates? That would make server 22 die in one day!
Everyone could pay a small amount and be competitive in no time, without much struggle or “iq”…a hell!

Not only that, guild that could get all 50 gifts vs a guild that takes half, that would also make things a lot worse…if we had the same with server 1

If there is something we should complain about or could make things more “balanced” that would be lowering the price of guild gifts.

Thx for your time.


It’s very immature to flag posts just because you’re upset about an argument. That post should not have been flagged.

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I didn’t say you did, did I? :man_facepalming:

I agree totally. I have 2 accounts, one on server 1, and the other on 22. The price is the same but the deal is way worse! 3 pointless diamond crates, while server one gets a ton! My guild in 22 got 42, while in 1, we got over 2k!! This is outrageous and I would appreciate it if perblue could fix this. It’s just not fair, even if server 22 is a newer server, so what?!


You don’t get the whole view…
Try to think out of the box.
You get what you get based on the demands of your current heroes, gold, cost and all.
We can’t have the same with server 1.
Try to understand that plz.

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Most of us have accounts on server 1-2
Yes there is a difference in cost
And TWO heros more
The difference is not by this much and also everything ALREADY SCALES DOWN so there is absolutely no need for it to be this low

The deals are Not currently scaling


Oh, wow that’s horrible

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@Polaris I would like an answer to WHY THIS SO UNEQUAL!?




This is S16

This is S19

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