Unlickely thing coneptr

Snoot boi is a 3 star control hero.

" S N O O T "

Basic: throws a ring

White: bootleg
Snoot boi throws a bootleg figure and deals -10 splash damage

Green: S N O O p
Snoot boi studies each enemy and dodges the upcoming attack.

Blue: Memes
Snoot boi uses the powers of memes and kills a shielded enemy

Purple: Puyo
Snoot boi throws a puyo dealing -22 damage.


I just got one thing to say. That title? We’re you even trying? Unlickely? Conceptr? We’re you doing that on purpose?


Yes i did, ok.

THIS hilareeooos!
:clap: Meme :clap: Review

I think you were trying for this. Maybe post here next time?
Also, you posted this in the wrong category. It should be in Hero Wish List or Game Chat


Snooty boy you not so fly. Hahahaha here’s something for strategy and guides next time try to put character conceptr in hero wish list or hero chat

I mean, like you’re one to talk, “we’re you even trying”. We are you even trying?

If your asking where I try, I try in every title I make for a post. I’m honestly confused about what that poorly worded question could mean if not that.

No I’m remarking on you correcting someone’s spelling and grammar when you yourself used “we’re” instead of “were”. “We’re” is an abbreviation of “we are”

Yes, well there is a thing called “mistakes”. I know it’s such a hard concept to understand, especially since there is no way you’ve ever made one!

Seriously though, I know the correct uses of were and we’re. The difference though, is mine was a simple mistake, and his was a purposeful butchering of some words. ALSO, I never “corrected his grammar”. I asked a question about whether or not that was on purpose. I guess I was confused on your question because I understood what I thought you were trying to say, and hadn’t realized that I had made a mistake.

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OK yeah, sorry if that came across as irritatingly pernickety, I just thought it was a little ironic is all

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