Unlikely Character Concept

Yeah but I just didn’t realize how long all 26 will take haha and thanks!


No problem, I just thought you needed a little encouragement. That’s what friends are for! :slight_smile:



Aaaa… So right!
Good job @TheSpaghettiKing I couldn’t have put it better myself!

Loved it!


Yep, thanks for the encouragement! But I may take a break from letters and do some Disney shorts next


And now. . . A concept for one of the most kick-butt swordsmen in film history.

Inigo Montoya, :crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:, Damage.

“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father . . . Prepare to die.”

Basic Attack: Inigo uses his sword to jab at enemies.

•White, Fencing Match: Inigo focuses himself on one enemy that the player chooses for 15 seconds. When he focuses on this enemy, his attacks are aimed at only that enemy, and he dodges a percentage of attacks from all enemies. He also takes 75% less damage from the focused enemy. Inigo can focus up to two enemies at the same time.
•Green, Loyalty: When an ally falls below 25% HP, Inigo causes them to gain 200% attack speed for ten seconds and makes them heal for 33% of their Max HP over five seconds. This can trigger up to twice per wave.
•Blue, Master Spaniard: Inigo dodges an attack and counters a close enemy three times, dealing X damage with each strike.
•Purple, I’m Not Right-Handed: When Inigo has taken enough damage over time to pass 75% of his Max HP, Inigo switches his sword to his left hand, making him invincible for eight seconds and increasing his attack speed by 150%.

Aladdin, Street Smarts
•+X Skill Power
Inigo has a 7% chance to dodge attacks and instead gains 50 energy. +7% chance per star.

Merlin, Medieval Miracles
•+X Max HP
When Inigo activates Pure Loyalty, he has a 20% chance to revive a KO’d ally. +20% chance per star.


Short Films? I have one for John Henry.

“And Polly, I’ll die with this hammer in my hand.”

White: Man, Myth, Legend. John brandishes his hammer, granting John Armor negation for 8 seconds and all allies extra Basic Damage for 12 seconds. No stack.

Green: Whirlwind (Fantastic) John spins his hammer around him for 4 seconds, dealing damage to enemies nearby every second and knocking back nearby enemies every second. (Slight knockback)

Blue: Driving Force. The first time John Henry’s health drops below 50% he picks up a second hammer, increasing his attack speed by 100% for the rest of the wave and gaining 25 energy whenever he damages an enemy for the rest of the wave.

Purple: Hammer in His Hand. (Normal) When John Henry is reduced to 0HP, his spirit lives on, dealing damage equal to 25% of John Henry’s Basic Damage as a Basic Attack, until the end of the wave. His Spirit is untargetable. (Spirit does not count as a hero, and thus you will lose if all 5 allies are destroyed and only John Henry’s Spirit remains.)

Henry-Felix: (Inspiration to all.) White Skill also Shields John, more Max Hp.
Henry-Mr. Incredible. (Wonderful, Marvelous)
Hammer in his hand grants allies extra Basic Damage and Armor Negation.


Oh my gosh!!! I just watched that movie last night! Yus to this Spectacular Spaniard!!!


You know I wish someone would make a concept about me… but I will not make myself. Technically I already did. If you press this link

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For fun I’ll make ya one, won’t be good but I will :stuck_out_tongue:

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Idc of if it is bad or not


I don’t want to sound needy or anything but could somebody make one of me as well? Its fine if nobody wants to I was just wondering if anyone wanted to


Sorry I barely have any info of you…

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Guess I’ll do two, I’ll make em at like 1:00 pm or tomorrow.


You don’t need to do both at the same time, you can do his first since he asked first then you can do mine another time, I just want you to take your sweet time

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It’s fine, I haven’t been as active as I am in a while, I’m starting to get back on track though, I like to make hero concepts but I’m not as active when doing it like you guys

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I just thought of a great and terrible idea: periodic table concepts! I love chemistry so it should be fun. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do it yet…but I may. I hope you like science because there’s going to be a lot of elements to my concept (elements like components and actual scientific elements)! O (oxygen) this is gonna B (boron) more of a pain than letters! He He He (helium)!

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Also, my next Pixar short concept will likely be Luxo Jr


Honestly, as fun as the periodic table is, I do not think it would be fun to do but hey, that is my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll try some. If I don’t like it or people don’t like it, then I may stop. Who knows.

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