Unlikely Character Concept

We all know you’ll end up doing both, I honestly don’t care as long as you put enough thought into it that it’s decent. I’ll even settle for semi-decent.


Character schedule


Balthazar bratt(july 2)

Johnny 2x4(july 4)
Demoman(july 4)

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Two concepts in 24 hours? Should be interesting…

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I see it as well. Calling cheats until you edit to add a note that this was taken from World of Mayhem. There is a difference between referencing source material and simply copying a skillset and adapting it to fit DHBM. It adds nothing interesting. They have the skillset. You changed 1 effect and that’s it. Harestoration is even based on his passive.


Alright stay puff Concept should be out in a few hours or so :smile:

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Alright I just made a poll for a character that everyone wants me to make next and most people chose stay puft here he is😁

Stay Puft is a :star2::star2: Damage

Stay Puft the cartoonish Marshmallow that everyone would enjoy around the campfire and eat at home and the mascot is just adorable but then theres rumbling like an earthquake and there he is Stay Puft destroying New York I guess no more of that adorable little Stay Puft we love

HP: 50K
Basic Damage: 3000
Skill Power: 2300
Armor: 2100
Reality: 2700


White: Puft Up Stay Puft!
Passive: Stay Puft starts out as a little Stay Puft That gets larger as he absorbs Damage (About To the size of “Enormous” Alice) once large enough Stay Puft can summon minions

Here’s how mini Stay Puft Will look like

Active: Mini Stay Puft: Stay Puft runs through the battlefield leaving goops of marshmallow on enemies slowing all Attack and movement speeds by 80% for 3 enemies for 5 seconds
Might Fail Against Enemies higher than level X

Medium Stay Puft: Stay Puft stomps dealing x damage and knocking back the 2 closest enemies and scaring the backmost enemy.
Scare might fail against enemies higher than level X
(About The Size Of Hades)

Enormous Stay Puft: Stay Puft stomps the ground multiple times reflecting any damage being done to him for the remainder he’s stomping which is 5 seconds while stomping he Deals x damage to all enemies and stuns the highest HP enemy.
Stun may fail

Green: Tasty Marshmellow Treat!
Now when Stay Puft stomps he drops goops of marshmallow on Allies giving them X energy
May heal allies if Stay Puft is below 30% of his Max HP.
Effect is reduced on allies higher than level X

Blue: Remember Me!
Stay Puft gains X increased damage for every enemy that “studies” or “scares” Stay Puft.
Enemies that do “study” or “scare” Stay Puft are “scared” back.
(Inspired by the scene where Ray only remembers Stay Puft as the ultimate form for Gozer)

Purple: The Ultimate Form!
Stay Puft is immune to “scares”, Remember Me! will still “scare” back. Everytime Stay Puft is “scared” he gains x energy.


Stay Puft/Slimer
Adorable Ghosts
Allies: The Grey Lady, Ray and Ivo Shandor
+4500 HP
Remember Me! increases energy gained by all allies by X%

Stay Puft/The Grey Lady
Allies: Ivo Shandor, Merlin and Gozer
+4503 Skill power
Tasty Marshmallow Treat! increases allies attack speed for X seconds.

I Hope you enjoyed my concept if you can feel free to read my other unlikely character concepts

Ghostbuster Concepts

Here’s my Slimer Concept: Unlikely Character Concept

Here’s My Grey Lady Concept or to put it basically the librarian ghost: Unlikely Character Concept


10 chars

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Spider-Hog a :spider_web::spider_web::spider_web: control hero
Quote: Whats Up New-Mobius
Intro: swings in on a Web and does a super hero landing
Defeat: tries to swing then Falls on face

White Skill Web Fluid: Spider-Hog Webs up all enemies sticking them to each other for 15 seconds

Green Skill Speedway Web: Runs through all enemies attacking them then webbing up one lasts for 10 seconds

Blue Skill Web Canister: Regenerates his energy to 40% or 400

Purple Skill Taser Webs:after using his web canister it also changes the mode in his web shooters to taser webs which now shocks / stuns a enemy after his White skill lasts 5 seconds

Spider-Hog-Mickey Mouse Old Classics : His Blue Skill is raised 30% more energy
Spider-Hog-DarkWing A Spider jokester and a Terror that Flaps in the Night: Purple Skill Stunning is now raised to 8 seconds I drew the Drawings btw here are some more concepts that I’m gonna be working on


I don’t like this sorry!

It’s lazy and bland and kinda boring. I give this a 6/10 you never showed how long the webbing lasts or what it even does. You never showed how much energy he gains on his blue, the purple is the worst, who is this guy anyway!

Be more creative @SpiderHog

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Doodlebob is a :star::star: control hero

Quote:“me spongebob”

Basic attack:doodles a doodle jellyfish which floats to a enemy and zaps them.

Entrance:leaps out of the doodle dimension

Victory:raises his pencil up in the air with two hands while shouting

Defeat:a notebook appears and closes on doodlebob.



Doodlebob draws up one of three doodlecharacters to fight for him.

Doodle squidward:uses its doodle clarinet to attack it, has the highest armor of the other doodles and has 788 health.

Doodle mr krabs:strongest of the three summoned doodles, has 788 health

Doodle gary:weakest of the three summoned doodles and has 500 health.

Green:angry doodle

Doodlebob draws angry eyebrows on the closest enemy which charms them for x seconds.


Doodlebob uses his mouth as a pencil sharpener to sharpen his pencil which increases his attack power for x seconds.


Doodlebob gains x health when one of his doodlepals gets defeated.


Who is who??

Doodlebob now gains x amount of energy when he uses his “angry doodle” skill

Driven on revenge

Doodlebobs “doodlepals” skill now increases the health of the doodle summoned.


I created the character and there I gave you the energy and Time

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This is not that good 4/10

I don’t like this either

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What why do hate this dude

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It’s just kinda odd and bland and lazy and doesn’t have much detail

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Odd how is it odd

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The look and the friendship with scar and the blue and white skill

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…who would you have for the second friendship buddy

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Do you hate both of our concepts???

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No they’re decent

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…i had to do something with the white skill…have you even seen doodle dimension???

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