Unlikely Character Concept


D is a mid line three star support hero!

Entrance: jumps in and pulls out plus and minus signs
Victory: lies on side like a happy face
Defeat: lies on side like a sad side

Basic attack: throws signs at enemies

White skill: DS Games
D throws a DS at the nearest enemy dealing damage while also charming the enemy for a few seconds.

Green skill: Vitamin D
D shines a bright sun at the enemies, blinding all for few seconds.

Blue skill: D Best
D revives himself with half HP when KOd. Can only do this once per wave.

Purple skill: Disney!
D has a bigger chance to crit when using his white skill.

D and Darkwing Duck “D and D”
Allies: Dash, Tia Dalma, Mr. Incredible
+100 HP
DS Games has a chance to charm more enemies.

D and Woody “DS and Toys”
Allies: Buzz, Jessie, Rex
+100 skill power
Disney! now gives D invincibility after he is KOd.
I hope you’re E-ger for the next concept!


Terrible pun. I like it


@Sweet_dreams is a 2 star mid-support

No quote(what?:confused:)

Basic attack:no basic attack

White:no matter what:passive:instead of a basic attack,@sweet_dreams will apply “rainbow” to allies.(rainbow is an effect that supports all allies.)active:@sweet_dreams raises up her lollipop,healing all allies.

Green:stay sweet!:@sweet_dreams targets a random enemy ,stunning him\her,once him\her is stunned,the lollipop rolls on the stunned enemy, dealing Y damage.fantastic damage.

Blue: candy crush:@sweet_dreams tosses candy,charming 3 enemies.

Purple:the sweet one:when “rainbow” applies to the allies,they can dodge.

Entrance:floats down from a bubble gum bubble,and then gets ready for battle.

Victory:a disco ball made from peppermint sticks,a gumproof flashlight,and bubble gum bubbles appears onscreen.

Defeat:bubble gum appears on his face.

Friends:@Champion_David:forum heroes.allies:Judy,Eve Darkwing duck.Vanellope:sugar rush.Allies:Shank,Hercules,genie

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Hey I can it gets an A for F -fert! G, making puns isn’t easy. I just have an H (itch) to make puns. Don’t make me mad or I’ll tale my revenge! People say an I for an I! JK I wouldn’t do that! I don’t wanna take the L.

Ok I’m too tired to come up with more puns right now. So M (am) I glad that’s over!


More puns. Terrible, but funny


Dear @TherMasterStitch,
For Pete’s sake help me out here. I cut myself and got a scar and I’m in need of a stitch. Oh no I caught a cold. Guess my mom will have to make me Minniestrone. Sadly my favorite planet is an outsider and it was planet Pluto. I remember reading a lot of Dr. Zeus’s books but I’m not an expert at poems so I went to Japan where the “Nani” meme was born. Then I met a person who apparently knowsmore than me. Then when I went to France I met a guy with a nobelle prize. And when I went to see a show they had dropped the Mike and I went to see a haunted house and saw some ghost who eerily said “Boo.” I went Hawaii and got some coconuts. I even saw this movie called “The Meg.” They I’m really goofy ‘cause I’m full of zurgprises. I’ve even seen some lions who didn’t like a tremaine (trimmed mane). I saw a lot of people, and they were very wilde. I was even caught buzzed driving and was given a ticket. When I was at a pond I saw a darkwinged duck. I was very rich and my family told me not to be a scrooge. But I told I went to Stanford University so I said it wasn’t my fault. I told someone that they’re nemo (latin for no one) and I told someone they were my Rafiki (friend in swahili). Then I went to Greece and was givena philosophy. I’ve once tolde my horse to “gideon” (giddy-on). A friend of mine told about clock and said it was a “cogsworth. I am tired of making puns I feel like I have been talking for lightyears. So goodbye for now and please make sure the ice is frozone.
Sincerely, @Stanford_Pines_X


Hahahahahahahahahaha! Very Funny, But You Are Making This Off-Topic…


As funny as this is, please keep on topic! Of course, you could sneak that kind of stuff into a concept related to the puns, that would technically be on topic :wink:


I haven’t made a concept in a while, why not.

Round Object
2 Star Midline Damage
“Around and around we go!”
Basic Attack: A random kind of ball flies across the screen, hitting the target.
White: Choking Hazard
Round Object jumps into a random enemy, becoming lodged in their throat for 6 seconds, doing X damage and stunning them during this time. This does 300% more damage if the target is under the age of 7.
Green: What goes around
Round Object bowls through the enemies, doing X damage and spreading any negative status effects.
Blue: On top of spaghetti
A giant meatball rolls through and hits the entire enemy team, knocking them back and stunning them for 9 seconds. Enemies already stunned instead take X damage.
Purple: Local HemiSphere
Whenever one of Round Object’s allies are defeated, he gains 300 energy and his other allies gain X skill power for the rest of the fight.


Round Object/Olaf
Play Ball!
Round Object gains X skill power
Round Object’s basic attack and “Choking Hazard” send an additional X objects flying

Round Object/Barbossa
Cannon Ball?
Round Object’s allies take X more damage per hit
“Local HemiSphere” makes Round Object and his allies invincible for X seconds


What a well rounded concept! I had a ball reading it! I’m gonna stick around and read some more.


Shrek, Cuz why not.

Entrance: Throws open the door to his outhouse, steps out, and stretches. (Similar to Sulley&Boo.)
Victory: Crosses his arms and smiles.
Defeat: Storms off in frustration.

White: Lets one rip, doing (small amount of) Fantastic damage to all enemies over 6 seconds and knocking back the closest enemy.
Green: Eats grub, gaining HP over 10 seconds. Then he burps, dealing damage to the closest enemy and nearby enemies.
Blue: The Part Where You Run. Shrek damages and Scares the closest enemy. Shortly after, that enemy and all nearby enemies are knocked back.
Purple: Layered Ogre. Shrek’s White and Green Skills inflicts Exhausted to damaged enemies. Exhausted enemies cannot crit. Chance to fail.

Shrek-Sally. Morning Breath.
Shrek’s Basic attack deals additional Normal damage over 3 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Fairytale Creatures
Shrek takes less damage from skills, extra Reality.


image https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0241/0041/products/E_db21e663-19b1-444d-a1f8-9ff402ea66e9_grande.jpg?v=1479422303
E is a three star front line support hero!

Entrance: walking in on the three horizontal lines like legs and stands up
Victory: jumps up and spins
Defeat: jumps up and falls on back and legs wave helplessly in the air

Basic attack: jabs its arms/legs at enemy

White skill: Eeeek A Bug
E summons a bug to go through enemies, dealing damage with a chance of stun.

Green skill: E-Ger to Please
E charms the nearest enemy for a few seconds.

Blue skill: E-st (east) or West
E confuses a random enemy by making them attack the other way.

Purple skill: Most Common Letter
E revives himself after KOing once per wave.

E and Elastigirl “E and E”
Allies: Eve, Emperor Zurg, Elsa
+100 HP
White skill has a greater chance of stun.

E and Sulley (Sull-e) “Sounds with an E Sound”
Allies: Wall-E, Jessie (Jess-E), Felix
+100 skill power
Green skill charm lasts longer.
I hope you know how much F-ert (effort) this takes!


It’s G-ust (Just)great!


Nice! But This Is A Control, Not A Support…

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Random Objects.

Random Objects “Is” A :star::star::star: Control Hero!

Basic Attack: Bubbles Go Into The Enemy’s Throat, Also Giving Enemies The Vomiting De-Buff Where They Might Take 2% Of Their Health Away Each Second.

White Skill: Ullaaa!!!; All The Objects Go Into Different Enemies’s Throats, Giving Those Enemies The Vomiting De-Buff. This Skill Has A Chance To Fail Against Level X. (The Vomiting De-Buff Lasts Longer Than On The Basic Attack.)

Green Skill: LOTS OF OBJECTS!!!; Due To 1000 Health For Random Object’s HP. They Revive A Bunch. This Skill Reduces The Revival HP To 500 On A Higher Level Than X And Scaring The Enemies, The Scare Has A Chance To Fail Against Enemies Higher Than Level X.

Blue Skill: Vomit Vomit Vomit Vomit; Random Objects Slam Into Enemies, Doing X Damage, Having A Chance To Give Them The Vomiting Debuff.

Purple Skill: Small Objects; Random Objects Gain X Skill Power.

Friendships: Round Object-Random Objects; Disc Name: “Just Objects” Disc Stats; Round Object And Random Objects Gain X Skill Power And X Reality. (Round Object Gets The Disc.) Choking Hazard Does More Damage. Allies: Robin Hood, A, B, C, D, E, Merlin.

Random Objects-WALL-E; Disc Name: “Robots Vs. Objects” Disc Stats: Random Objects Do More Damage, X Extra Skill Power On Small Objects. Allies: Maui, Moana, EVE, TQOH, (The Queen Of Hearts,) Stitch.

Quote: “Did you vomit? Sorry, I think i did that!”

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A lot of… vomiting.


Look out below, falling block of text. Just a reminder, this is constructive criticism to make it better.

First of all, you never said how long any of the scares or “vomiting” last.
Second, not all heroes have throats. :expressionless:
Third, the first bit of the green skill is unclear. “Due to 1000 health for random objects hp”? “They revive a bunch”?
Fourth, you seem… obsessed… with vomiting. The concept revolves around it and makes no use of it, even though it doesn’t really do anything.
Fifth… jeez, this is flawed. Friendship campaigns only have 3 allies, not 7 or 5.
Sixth, both of the discs just give skill power and increase damage. This is extremely bland.
Seventh, capitalizing every word makes the skillset harder to read. Seriously, you should be smart enough to know where and where not to capitalize.
Eighth, you forgot a quote. But given the overall quality of the concept, I don’t really mind that at all.


I see that we are running out of ideas…

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Also, if shrek could be a concept, then where’s Fiona, Donkey, Farquuad, etc?

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I am not out of ideas yet. I am gonna finish up my keeper concepts soon, and also, I am working on another anime character, I will give you a hint and if you guess the anime then I will give you a special prize.

The hint is this:

The main character within this anime talks to his hand alot, but it is not really his hand, it is a creature.

If yah guess it, you will get something special :hugs: :angel:

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