Unlikely Character Concept

Dude that was like 400 posts ago ?

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Disney Heroes Concept


(!!This is the comics, not the MCU!!)

:star: :star: 2-Star Control hero

“So Soon, Spider-Man? I didn’t think you’d be in such a rush—to face your final Waterloo! Or do you have to rush because you rent that corny costume by the hour?”

Role: Control
Team: Red
Position: Back

Basic attack: Mysterio punches the enemy.

Entrance: A cloud of smoke appears, as the smoke withers away, Mysterio is shown standing.

Defeat: Mysterio tries to make an illusion but he fails to make it.

Win: Mysterio creates an illusion that shows green clouds coming from his hands

White skill: Mysterious Cloud
Mysterio covers himself in a cloud. He turns invisible for 8 seconds

Green skill: It’s raining cats and dogs
Mysterio makes an illusion that shows dogs and cats falling from the sky. This scares enemies for 5 seconds

Blue skill: Hypnosis
Mysterio charms an enemy for 6 seconds. They have do 15.5 more basic damage while this

Purple skill: Stronger then you think
Every time Mysterio knocks out an enemy, he gains 25% attack speed and 50 more basic damage.

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Yeah I’m sorry. I was on this post? I guess I forgot I was on this post.

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I did the MCU mysterio LoL btw

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Disney Heroes


:star: :star: 2-Star
Role: Tank
Team: Red
Position: Mid-line

Entrance: Electro walks in. He then makes electricity light up from his hands

Defeat: Electro tries to make electricity from his hands, but instead, tiny sparks come from. He looks down in disappointment

Win: Electro points in the air, then a large beam of thunder comes out from his index finger

“Jewels! Money! No matter how much I take— I want more—Much more! And with my great power, nothing can stop me from getting it!”

White skill: Thunderstorm
Electro makes a thunderstorm. Thunder will hit enemies with the most health. Thunder will strike only three times

Green skill: Voltage shock
Electro shoots sparks at the opposing team. This will blind them for 6 seconds. This won’t work on enemies higher level.

Blue skill: Charge up
Electro will charge up electricity for 1 second. After this, he will gain 75 more basic damage and 100 attack speed. This is ONLY for Electro.

Purple skill: Thundercloud
Electro flies into the air (with his electricity) and stays in the air for 6 seconds. Electro will throw thunder beams at the enemies.


One of my favorites, Electro

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Ma Beagle and the beagle boys
Position: mid
Quote:”You goofs! What am I supposed to do with an empty money bin?! Live in it, like the old lady in the shoe?”
Entrance : walks in with the beagle boys, running in exhausted
Defeat: they all come down or fall over
Victory: The beagle boys lift up Ma Beagle and celebrate

Skills :
Basic attack: Ma Beagle hits a enemy with her purse

White skill beagle boys!: Ma beagle tells the beagle boys to stampede the enemies

Green skill scheming time : Ma beagle schemes improving accuracy for all allies

Blue skill you can’t steal what my boys rightfully stole first!: The Beagle Boys steal all of the closest enemy’s energy and then they share it among their allies

Purple skill planning something notorious: Ma Beagle plans on a scheme and in doing so now buffs allies continuation of green skill

Ma Beagle-Goofy New Beagle Boy : “Beagle Bots stampede ” now does double damage

Ma Beagle-Hector planning something big : “scheming time” now give allies double accuracy


Sry but Electro wouldn’t be a tank he would either be a damage or Control in my opinion

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People can make their heroes however they want dude. Tanks can be more damage based, like Shank, or control based, like Ralph. Tanks are a bit of a wild-card when it comes to skills, because they have few of them that would typically be found in only tanks. I think his Electro is kinda like Bogo, in that its goal is to preserve himself to absorb the damage instead of his teammates.

Edit: I just now noticed that it says he’s a Damage hero, so either you misread, or @Retro_R edited it. If the latter is the case, @Retro_R, don’t edit your posts to people’s criticism, rather use the advice they give you to improve your future concepts. Changing already made concepts to what someone suggests and then forgetting their advice is not what you need to do. You need to acknowledge their criticism and then remember it when you make the next concept, in order to make them better.


Some people don’t understand that when a person makes a concept, the concept is based on the person’s own vision. So people just complain “oh you should’ve don’t this because it fits MY vision.”

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I agree. He is right. But I put him as a Tank because it seems that Tanks have mixed attacks.

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Really I didn’t tell him/her to change it I was just telling them my opinion

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I know, and I was just telling them how they should receive people’s opinions.


…where is the option for none of these??


Yeah I prefer another PvZ concept from @Champion_David

How about citron (the Orange) or Wallnut (the Walnut)

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It was reported this morning on (Good Morning America) that Cameron Boyce had been suffering from epilepsy & sadly died from an epileptic seizure.



Yeah watching descendants 3 is gonna be sad this August. Maybe perblue can add Carlos to the game as a tribute?

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It would be a nice tribute, but I honestly don’t want it to happen at all. It’s super sad that he’s dead, but that doesn’t mean we need his character in. I’d hate it if any live-action Disney Channel stuff gets in, especially Descendants. Super boring, cliche movies with mediocre at best music and terrible writing in the game? No thanks! It would be really nice if they did a tribute of some kind, but not adding his character to the game.


Don’t call him

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Rick is a :star::star::star: control/damage hero

Quote:“wubba lubba dub-dub”

Entrance:a portal appears and rick steps out of it holding his portal gun.

Victory:does a victory dance

Defeat:falls back into a portal as it closes on it



Rick uses his portal gun to create a portal that stuns all enemies and steals x amount of their energy.

Green:meekseeks combo

Rick throws a meekseeks box at one of the enemies and then mr meekseeks comes out and hits that enemy three times which damages that enemy for x amount per hit.

Blue:lazer chaos

Rick goes nuts and blasts all enemies with his lazer gun which damages them for x amount.

Purple:wubba lubba dub-dub!!

For every third basic attack he gains a attack power boost of 50%


Portal power

Ricks basic attack now can hit twice for double the damage

Technology experts

Ricks “lazer chaos” skill now heals himself when he defeats a enemy with the skill.

Coming soon!!!


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