Upcoming concepts/request Pool

These are my upcoming Concepts!

:mermaid: = Ariel
:fork_and_knife:= FORKY
:bird: = ZAZU
:nauseated_face:= DISGUST
:snake: = KAA
:man: + :bear: = MOWGLI (man + Bear means mancub)
:crocodile: + :fire: + :bug: = LOUIS & RAY
:bow_and_arrow: = POCAHONTAS
7 ________ = 7 Dwarfs
:gorilla: = TARZAN
:tv: + :black_circle: = SCREEN SLAVER
:lizard: = PASCAL
:candle: = LUMIERE
:+1: + :t_rex: = ARLO + SPOT
:pirate_flag: = MR. SMEE
:elephant: = DUMBO
:duck: + Bill = PERRY THE PLATYPUS
:guitar: + :frog: = KERMIT THE FROG
:cookie: + monster = COOKIE MONSTER
:rabbit: = RABBIT

Each forumer has a limit of 2 guesses and has an unlimited amount of requests,but only 1 a day. I am now accepting requests.

Cookie Monster, the rest are Mainly just one emoji and aren’t able to be figured out


Kermit the frog?

Cookie monster

Those 3 are correct

3 of them are conceots I have already posted,but I am editing them



No,it’s a spin on words,but Ariel is correct

Some of the characters were hard to make with Emojis,but some of them are the basic idea,like the 3rd one is not an Eagle,but is a bird


Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh

Both are correct

Also Forky

Haha,yeah,any other guesses?

Knifey from toy story 4

Haha very funny, but it is only FORKY,the forum didn’t have a fork only emoji

Sam eagle from the Muppets

As I said before,it is not an Eagle but it is a bird

Why didn’t you use this? :bird:

I don’t know,one sec

There,I fixed it :slight_smile:

I’m thinking it’s Lumiere

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