Update 1.10.1 Patch Notes

After restarting my phone, it worked.


“Why aren’t there 7 days of gifts” ?

“Why aren’t there 28 days of gifts” ?

“Why aren’t there 100 days of gifts” ?

“Why are there any gifts at all” ?

That comment sounds very entitled


And most people probably don’t have rex

Agree with @Pipsqueak. Some people in here sound like spoiled brats at Christmas wondering why they don’t have more presents. Maybe next year they should get coal.

What do you mean we gained nothing @ISellPlasmaToAffordThisGame? “You gave us goofy
 we gained nothing.”
 what? Just because you have to lvl him doesn’t mean we didn’t gain nothing. Some people will complain about everything I guess. Probably just talking to a brick wall here.


Current Status of the update:

  • Google - available in the store
  • Samsung, Amazon, Apple - approved and release - They should be appearing in stores within the next few hours.

Does someone have the splash screen without the “loading” bar?

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If the intention there is to use the artwork for something else, in theory you would have to get permission from the artist (and also I assume PerBlue) to avoid infringing their copyright.

Unless you just want to save it for your personal use, in which case you could either edit it out (oof) or ask really nicely :wink:

Dude its only been 3 days

Honestly I like the rewards
 but the avatar was
 meh. The other rewards were nice.

What update

Lol, your post seem to make a ton of assumptions that either aren’t true or don’t make any sense. I got a free goofy. I’ll level him up when I get the currency. Doesn’t mean I’m spending money to do so. My meg and herc are still trash cause it takes me a while cause I don’t spend much. Same with almost on my server. A few spend, but those few are always gonna to spend.

You seem to act like you know more than u really do.


Yup, I have a proverbial mountain of undeveloped heroes that I haven’t been able to work on. No matter how much projection & manipulation come into it (which they do, of course - as in any game) at the end of the day it’s up to the player whether to drop real money on it or not. Like @Meatsqueezer said, those who spend do it (hopefully!) because they love the game and it brings them joy to be on top. Not because PB have stuffed Goofy chips into their contest :wink:

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I agree with ya


Any idea when she comes?

Ok that’s very rude and entitled. So F2P players don’t get a voice even though game decisions affects everyone? So only P2P opinions and concerns matter? So F2P people just aren’t important? So PerBlue shouldn’t listen to us F2P? So they should what just ban F2P because apparently entitled P2P people think we shouldn’t talk at all?

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Current Status of the update:

  • Google, Amazon, Apple, Samsung - available in the store

Please visit the store and install the update!

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