Update 1.11.4 Patch Notes

Is this a new schedule for lvl caps on S16? Will future caps always be after 3 weeks or is there any other reason for this? @Polaris


On server 16, will Quorra’s chips be available somewhere? If she leaves the arena shop, she’ll be crates only… which would really stink…


You guys did a great job recently. This champion rotation was spot on except one. I would like DaB in Dalma’s place. Will it be VIP crate exclusive for a month? Or will it be in the elite campaign as well? That’s the only thing I rejected from the patch notes. Would love to start farming those 2 in 1 as well


I feel you there on my server Gaston is getting replaced by goofy and I’m to lazy to do elite campaign :cry:

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Nice thanks

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This isn’t the place to post that.

And to stay on topic… Timon & Pumba heal at the start of combat? Could be pretty good for CW/Invasion.


S16 - Yes, this content increase is a bit faster than usual, but no that isn’t going to become the new normal.


I can’t wait

Your frustration is completely understandable. Every player was paying attention and planned resources accordingly to the announced schedule of 4 weeks on S16, too.
I think you mentioned to stick to this schedule again and again. What changed? @Polaris

Edit: You’ve answered already, ty. But still, this is a disappointing development. I feel like no one can take your word for real after this unlucky decision anymore.


I’m on server 16, i don’t have them. Q

Am I missing something? Does Hakuna Matata give Squirrel Immunity? I can’t see much that would make Timon and Pumbaa specifically good against Merlin…

Great update tho


Crit immunity, Merlin’s purple.

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@ROBOTNUMBER_100 please post those somewhere else


Server 15 Megara HELLO? Why is she still missing?


Pan you mean. Not lan.


Yay!! Finally!!! We get Peter Pan and T and P!!!

T an P,D and B, S and B, :thinking: anyone else??

Nope! :grin:

Yay, looking forward to adding Bo Peep to my arsenal :smiling_imp:

I know the perfect spot for her, right beside Woody in the heroes page!



It is not only s16, it is also s18 and several others. So it was 5-6 weeks, then you decreased to 4, now 3. And what, you are testing when a lot of people will quit so you increase it back? Or if not many quit, will become regular at 3 weeks… Last month i joked about bringing it down to 2 weeks. Now seems quite realistic scenario…

IF I decide not to quit, i am not spending a cent more here… This is real real disappointment. All you care about is getting more money.

Leave players to catchup with heroes and be able to play normally with maxed heroes.

I am not surprised you are talking about server merges only 1 year after releasing the game. People just keep quiting. Do you really not see this? Or you are here for the big bucks in short time and then whatever, close the game… Who cares about the players…



I can see that clearly people like this update more than the last huh Polaris lol


Hakuna Matata And You Can Fly, Timon and Pumbaa And Peter Pan Are here! I can’t wait for them! So anyway, first we got Aladdin, then we have Hercules, and now we have Peter Pan. Now we have 2 characters from Disney Adventurers left to go. They are Captain Hook and Tarzan. also just like Sulley and Boo, and Ducky and Bunny, Timon and Pumbaa are paired characters. Interesting. Now we have left for the upcoming characters are Belle, Lumiere, Simba And Nala And Kim Possible.


@Polaris about joy? She isnt mentioned… so she will still be only in diamond crates with no other farming way?

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