Update 1.15.4 Patch Notes

Hurry up update I want red skill now

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Not needed, let people be AFK as long they want removing them neither fix or help the problem. It doesn’t hurt either to leave them there in case they do wanna come back.

In my old guild we have a player who took 14 months off he moved to a new guild and is now a whale. So deleting is not the right option.


If an account is dead its dead. A simple login every once in awhile shows a players interest and that the account isnt abandoned by lost login info, etc. A retention schedule of some sort is definitely needed for dead accounts.


Thats cool

Well, you’re definitely not the only one who wants Anna to be added in the game!


I think PB has better options to monitor server activity. But you stated a very important fact in one of your former posts. If server merges are happening it brings a stronger group of players together. They fill up the top spots in challenger Arena and Coli. This has at least 3 ramifications and of course a domino effect.

  1. The pack of average good but not top notch players are being pushed down and loose interest in the game and leave.

  2. The opponents in CW and Surge that are being pulled from Arena and Coli become way stronger than they used to be before the merge. More frustration for average players. After the introduction of red skills it will be more obvious when people try to accomplish CW super hard to obtain keys and chips playing this mode.

  3. Lately deals were pushed to sell keys and chips for red skills. I expect this to happen now on all servers where red skills are introduced. One more possibility for whales to get red skills first and the power inbalance will rise further.
    No real skill is necessary just money.

I think the ship to balancing the game had sailed.


@Serenity_II Sadly, I agree with you. The demise of this game will continue unless it is balanced. It will be interesting to see just how much the release of red skills across servers tossing the balance off even more. I’m dreading Tuesday. This game isn’t rewarding anymore. Its soul sucking. And that hurts saying. Ive been a moderate to a higher spender, Ive played for years and put money aside each paycheck for this game. Ive reached VIP 15 over time, one of the higher ranking players on my server. Ive stayed with the same guild for almost 2 years though im told im “out of place” but im loyal and like to help the members advance and help in all activities to get rewards for all. And I hate saying that I may be one to leave the game soon. I cant support this (even technically being a bigger spender). Lower and average players/Disney fans deserve better and deserve to be heard and not pushed down.


Everyone needs to start praying that Apple won’t mess up this update like they did all the other ones!:pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

Please include Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet next!

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I don’t agree let’s say you left as you talked about earlier, 16 months later you decide to log back in for the first time since you left, to see if things has improved and might be worth coming back to (I admit I doubt it will but that’s another topic), if we go by your they are dead, they won’t come back, then your account was deleted, you lost everything and has to start over, all money spent gone.
Now if we force a player to log in at every x minimum to avoid this because they are taking a break or just had enough for now, they lose the risk of missing the deadline and gone is their account. Dead accounts don’t damage the server unless they were big spenders and are blocking the growth of others, but here there is a easy solution.

Be AFK more than x time and your lineup in coli and arena is removed and you are put back to lowest place when you return. The same goes for guild war if your guild was using you for a good defense. The power your account gives a guild your in goes away aka don’t count this way the many guilds who keeps inactive players to stay on top can’t benefit from it.

People accounts are safe and the effect from these accounts has gone from being a problem to meh who cares.

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It better not got dalay again for tomorrow.

But dr Facilier isn’t Character in the board game… I own it :thinking: I wonder if there’s more then one

Honestly this game used to be great!! It’s still is but they need to slow down with the how fast they bringing out the cap level and badge colors! I can’t even get my heroes to red2 . It’s nice seeing new characters being added but then they hit you with level cap and makes that excitement go away . Perblue needs to make getting badges a lot cheaper in stamina and less expensive to upgrade skills as well.


If you go in from the chacter screen campaign stays on the oil select

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When do you plan to add Kim Possible?


Seriously need to slow down with the level cap raises all the time.


Cuanto falta además espero que salga hoy no manaba como con la actualización anterior

I would also like to add that promotions throw off the balance of heroes, and some weaker heroes now become much stronger with a promotion while stronger heroes become much weaker with a promotion. This substantially impacts how players have focused their resources financially, and in game, toward building characters that suddenly become useless. Let’s not forget that Jack sparrow Was one of the first heroes to be “refreshed”, but now is one of the weaker characters in game.


Update still planned for today?

Polaris did not said he deleayed the update so i think its still today besides in usa its night time

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