Update 2.0 Patch Notes

Well… bravo @Polaris and whole PB crew, new game icon looks AWESOME!
Love it. :heart:


We aren’t in downtime

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It says the servers will be updating shortly…

Then who is

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I though you would due to you have the update

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Yes that confuses me usually it says like maintenance break or something

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This thread would be closed already if that was the case

Good point

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I meant you have the update


What do you think?

Mine updated

No, I don’t have it.

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Oh ok nvm i thought you did because of this.

@Polaris Are you sending it to Google now?

or Amazon? :thinking:

Are any of you able to get on?

Let me check

Yes, but it stops at 55% for me

That means you aren’t able to get on

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