Update 2.0 Patch Notes

It says “serves will be updating shortly” and I can’t get on

Same, wait it’s the server update, I would say an hour

I can go on

Why is Donald on the icon with minnie? I think it should of been mickey with minnie. But its ok.

Maybe it should have been mushu and Minnie

Yeah that could of work to but…


When is the server update? I’ve been stuck on the loading screen forever…

This is a silly debate because it seems like everyone agrees, just wording it differently :joy:

It won’t increase the gap between f2p and spenders directly - the spenders already have enough deals to buy, one more like this won’t change that. Outside of the top 2 guilds on S2, there’s plenty of f2p players scattered around who can benefit.

What it will do is widen the gap between guilds because as has been said, some of the top ranked guilds have very many spenders in, and the rest have fewer. If 40 people buy the gift, that adds up to quite a good bonus. It makes no material difference in the gap between those spenders and the f2p, but it does make a difference in the gap between those spenders & the spenders in other, ‘less spendy’ guilds. War competition will suffer.


I fell sorry for you… I can go in the game.

iOS is now available - please don’t install the update until the server update is finished, otherwise you’ll be locked out of the game.

We’re released the app on Google, Amazon, and Samsung.
Once it’s available on Google, we’ll schedule the server update.


Kinda accidentally did…Am I locked out forever?

Thank you.

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Just until we update the server.

You’re locked out until the server update is done

How long will that take?

I think 1-4 hours. (I am guessing)

It’s available!
Time to roll!

Updated around 11 this morning…so it should be done around 1-3pm

I don’t see it on Amazon’s app store.

when will server 19 be done updating, or is it done all at once for all servers?

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