Update 2.0 Patch Notes

Maybe all at once

@polaris still didn’t answer my question from last night.

He can’t answer all the questions

I doubt there’s more than one or two guilds in the entire game that are all whales, and probably not more than one or two per server that are all whales and tuna. Even in those guilds, the net effect of people purchasing Guild Gift deals will be to give a slight benefit to those who spend less at the expense of those who spend more, since the total value of a Guild Gift deal is roughly equal to the value of a normal deal; it’s just spread out over the entire guild.

For guilds that are a mix of whales, tuna, on down to minnows and F2P, it’ll mostly be whales buying the Guild Gift deals, with possible purchases from tuna occasionally. (I plan to buy one every now and then, and at roughly $10 a month I think I’m a little short of the tuna class.) Those purchases, obviously, will benefit the minnows and F2P players; not much, but a little.

For people in strictly F2P guilds, they may fall a little behind the F2P players in mixed guilds, but the Guild Gift items are not so generous as to widen that gulf drastically.

That’s how I see things shaping up, anyway. If you see whales as people who buy every deal that shows up and assume the Guild Gift deals will be in addition to standard deals instead of replacing one every so often, then that might accelerate the gap between whales and everyone else; otherwise I don’t see it making much of a difference overall, just a minor difference within certain mid- to kinda-high-level guilds.

i do not pay to play this game and honestly, i think i have gotten lucky and will hopefully be able to continue to make progress and have fun, because that is what is important.


Hello just in case you miss it.

I am a F2P player

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Me too

10 characters


nothing against people who pay to play, im just saying that the important thing is to have fun and just enjoy the game

Ugh, say this before you send out the update.

You are saying that, why?

You were tapping for a couple of mins so i just wanted you to know.

That wasn’t me if you haven’t noticed

And also it is somewhat unnecessary


10 characters

The server update is scheduled for 12:30 PM CT.


It’s 12:46

Central time, where are you

They are EST time.



so what is that in ET

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