Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

Yeah she will be pretty overpowered in my opinion :man_shrugging:

For that to happen (kill mama) would require blue skill to activate when no other enemies on screen… as it attacks front most hero.

Good I’ll start working on her

Thats not very hard to happen as mobs are usually killed fast or if you have stitch with maui disk then mama bot wont even be able to summon her bots more than once or twice

If that happens, expect a patch to correct it within a week.

True. All comes down to timing, which is automated as its not active skill. So if it happens they will probably do something about it. Plus it will be affected by level (scaled down) and the bots tend to be higher level than heroes quite quickly.

:joy::joy::joy: true that

Dang R.i.p Gizmo and And Now Qoh…

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Im pretty sure the ko will not be level based but we will see :slight_smile:

Just wish they would healers heal when under attack from invisible heroes… its ridiculous…


QoH is now Queen of invasion too

Mine is pretty neat already, instant kill at almost 450k…

I just thought, why are we mad that gizmo is now gonna be useless but now we have a new invasion star (qoh)

So Invasion combo Stitch (Ma ) Will make mama unable to launch creep for most time…and Qoh will activate her skill …and mama dead…If i m right?

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that’s awfully low.

You have to bring her health down to a certain percentage first…we dont know how much. But yeah when mama will have just a certain percentage of health qoh should insta kill her. You will probably need Meg also to link with qoh so she wont die

Blue skill at max with plus 40 levels of blue mods… instant kill (ignore armour etc) if hero is 450,000 HP…
That is decent

if Qoh will do so good in invasion…So After some months =NERF

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Invasion new secret revealing xD

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Considering that a maxed out blue skill is 270k, 450k is pretty high with the mods being used. The update should respond to a mean QOH

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