Update 2.2.20 Patch Notes

Yeah! Another Pixar thing finally! Plus from my 2nd favorite Pixar.

This is always good.

He looks amazing! OMG.

Sad, but still happy he is coming.

I love this skill. Very interesting and cool.

This one is meh but this is a skillset I really like.

This one is funny! OP but I like it.

I cannot tell if this is a status effect or a disable or a debuff, but I like this. Also OP but very fun.

Red skill should be good. I like the friendships.

Stitch with Maui disk + red skill = invasion beast!

This will help him survive. Very nice.

Cap raise ugh, but this is really the only thing I find that is a negative thing.

Interesting they did not get a cap increase, but ok.


Yes, both server and app, so as always, we’re planning for Tuesday pending store approvals.


Those teeth freak me out. :persevere:

I knew this would come eventually. Hopefully the percentage is very low, or else he’ll be a giant pain in the neck.


Nice! A Onward character has arrived! I do like Onward! Great movie.

Yay! Let’s Go! New ips, especially Onward characters!

This is an interesting skill.:thinking: I like it though, it’ll be helpful against Beast.

Even though he won’t get a refresh this skill is pretty cool!

A nice name for his red skill would’ve been “Your Welcome”, but this is good, hopefully he gets better, but imo he needs a refresh.

The other red skills are good as well!

We did it, lol, Level 200!

This is the only downside about the update, but he’ll eventually be part of contest progress rewards(I may be wrong…:grimacing:)

Nice update! 8.5/10.


It’s about time

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Yessssss finally an onward character!


Very very brief thoughts on red skills because I’m sleepy-

Buzz: whatever, we have many ways to deal with shields
Walle: good
Stitch: obviously great for invasion, if it’s a %
Scar: will be annoying to battle against, quite strong
Miguel: terrible, max HP makes most heroes worse
Olaf: good but won’t really make a difference, he’s useful in freeze defences already for anti QW
Frozone: good, but nobody uses him
Bob: good
Maui: good but he just dies


But he doesn’t deal with them he ignores them, really powerful, and to reminding, his basic attacks deals 4M damage.


Nice patch notes, looking forward to testing out Wall-E’s new skill, seeing the new badges and getting to see the new story content in terms of the Inventor :-).

While happy about that Ian is coming to the game, I think Ian’s expression is out of character for hims, that kind of expression look too villain/antagonist looking expression for Ian. If possible I think it would be good if Ian’s portrait were adjusted as right now his expression is a bit creepy and not reflecting his personality in a good way which others here have also pointed out even if not exactly in that way like just feeling something is off with Ian’s expression.
I know Ian has a fair amount of character development towards the end, but that expression is not the kind of expression that would be in character for Ian I think.

Based on a quick Google searches would be more in line with Ian’s character and fit him more.


While not the biggest deal to me, I think it would definitely be nice if Ian’s expression were more like the expression he has in the KH Union X medal as it feels the most like him and being ready for battle at the same time :-).


I guess it will be a decision of whether to ignore them with Buzz or take advantage of them with Dash :man_shrugging:t2: I like my Dash :laughing:



The only Red Skill I’ll really be using but at least it’s a decent one :+1:


I expect she would still be Enormous, but smaller and only able to do her basic attack. @Polaris, can you confirm?

I think the shrink only decreases stats, not literally shrinking the enemy, right @Polaris?

S15, lvl cap from 175 to 185??

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Maybe they’re trying to catch S15 up to the other servers for a merge :man_shrugging:.

No, it’s a real shrink, not just stats.


Yes, she’s still Enormous, but smaller.


What will tiny Mushu and HDL look like then lol


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