Update 2.3.01 Patch Notes

The update look very good, I was waiting for LS&B from weeks I heard they were coming to replace Basil.
Moreover, Xp appearance rates decrease is a good thing. I just hope the rates decrease won’t be too much but for every time I have the mega mart, I have those Xp more than half of the time and think it is a bit too much which make the game too easy for lower people on server 22.

So LSB were supposed to be the sign in hero eh? Wonder why sadness was and not them.

Hopefully more villains will come to the game.

:grimacing: I mean there’s other ways to get XP drinks but still…

Pretty ok update.

YES!! Can’t wait to get lock shock and barrel!

Who knows maybe I could have :man_shrugging:

(But I didn’t…)

No new red skills?!? :expressionless: At least L,S,&B look to be great! :grin:

I see that my Dash now has a threat! This is an interesting skill though…

"IMPROVEMENTS?!?!?" This isn’t an improvement by reducing the chances of xp drinks appearing!!! I think that gold and tokens chances of appearing should be reduced because those items are useless IMO.


I actually prefer this trio as Contest Exclusive rather than Sign In because Basil and Cheshire Cat have been out for about the same time now, and I have Basil at 6 stars and I have Cheshire Cat at 4 stars.


Omg finally!

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I am very late to the party that is the patch notes, but this is a good patch, besides the cap increase. Should be interesting to see LSB in the game!

Awesome I can’t wait for more nightmare before Christmas characters to make my game lag cause there so spooky JK

@Polaris Instead of increase mod lvl cap could you make a craft feature to convert hero chips to red skill chips? Would be an awesome way to spend hero chips and stop the madness of mod lvl cap every month x_x
About XP drinks… Really? If at least we could get them on ports… U_U


This would be really interesting, this could be a possible add


AWWW COME ON! WHY IS LEVEL 200 NOT THE PERMANENT MAX LEVEL?! :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: image


Thx I guess. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No offense, but no TL stays MAX

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Sigh… Per Blue better pick one. :unamused: :roll_eyes: :unamused: :unamused:


Sorry but never gonna happen, PB, never sticks

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my only plausible solution at the moment will be to spend as much as I can when mega Mart appears again before the update as it was the only package I bought and thought was fair :pensive:


Horray: L,S, B … finally more nightmare before Christmas characters.

Now for the ghost’s boos

  1. booooo cap increases particularly color rank even though four weeks seems to be the norm for a while even though majority don’t want and have made suggestions about alternatives for months.
  2. Boo decreasing stamania buys from markets especially when you keep decreasing contest scores for ftn and not including some other source of points for it other then spend gems and stamania.
  3. Big Boo… still no mentioning of new guild perks ranging in guild contest or regular perks.

May I say, that adding pvp tokens to Mega Mart is a nice subtle way to make the contests that use them P2W. A few refreshes and a stack of diamonds could push someone who’s a competitive failure into the same % as dedicated players.
Increasing the rates for disk power, which has awful natural generation, and gold (the pinnacle of PB pushing players to spend) are certainly eyebrow raises as well.

Anyhoo, LS&B sure look interesting. Their basic attack could be something.

(EDIT to clarify something)

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