Update 2.3.01 Patch Notes

:roll_eyes: the update hasn’t even come yet



They’re getting released Tuesday


Oh, thanks

Hello, Cheshire Cat counter.

Lock, Shock, and Barrel look interesting, but potentially as OP as Randall was. At least, being a contest hero, most players will have access to their chips.

A very welcome addition.

I was hoping the Mega Mart wouldn’t be nerfed until after next week’s Fortify the Network. Ah well, that’s potentially not too drastic of a change (as long as the XP Drink rate hasn’t been reduced to 5% or something), so hopefully I can still profitably spend diamonds there next weekend.

To get all those missions to finish every 3 hours, you’d have to have 30-40 heroes maxed; that’s close to whale territory. Most of my disk power missions use heroes in the R4-R8 range, and are somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 hours each.


Again, that´s just missions and it´s still pretty much 1500 DP every 4 hours or 9000 DP a day. Add to that what you get from daily quest, then judge.

That’s… still less than you get from a single hard CW…

  • Decreased the appearance rates for XP Drinks
    Why. I mean WHY would you do that? That was literally the only thing worth getting from it! XP drinks are impossible to collect and the xp requirements to level heroes up are insane. The port just doesn’t give enough. -_-

I guess it’s good that you’re decreasing the exp results. That way I’ll spend less diamonds and give you less money

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Why? That was actually one of the best things you did with last update, we actually need more XP drinks than anything else.


Even adding in what I can get from City Watch, Heists, Invasion, and some contests, it’s not enough to level up all the disks I’d like to level up, to be honest. On the other hand, I’ve yet to see a diamond deal for disk power that made me think it was a better use of my diamonds than the simple 50-diamond Buy More Stamina. :man_shrugging:

I think the stamina refills (the confusingly-named “Free Stamina”) are worth it as well.


@Polaris can we see an example of this Happening because it’s kinda confusing

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Yeahh they definitely are


Me excited for a chapter on Stitch:

Me remembering that game still didn’t get fixed yet:


The holiday starts, and I hope it won’t end so soon :jack_o_lantern:

Well, at least I’ll save a bit of diamonds for FTN, the markets became so good that I often spend them all :sweat_smile:

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Why would you decrease the appearance of xp drinks. They were the best thing about mega mart. I was about to make a topic to increase their appearance and now you are decreasing it. I refreshed the mart pleanty of times and their appearance was like 50-60%. How much is it gonna reduced. 1 time I got it only 2 times out of 5,6 refreshes. So it isn’t like it appears everytime. Atleast start giving double xp drink drop in campaign in mart if you must reduce them. Also I bet no one buys gold or memory tokens in the mart, too expensive.


please dont rush again the cap lvl raising, recently Ive been able to get closer to cap lvl but I still have to lvl more, and need too many tons of exp and gold to upgrade heroes…


I love level cap increase

Perfect Nice Ok tank You for announcement

He/she didn’t announced Lock, Shock, and Barrel…


First of all, I would like to thank PB for skipping the cap raise for S21 en 22 last time. It’s been great catching up a bit.

But it also gets me wondering how it stat-wise affected the servers. A few months ago in the last State of the Game there was fhis mention of the cap raise experiment at the end of 2019. That did not went well, was mentioned back then.

I am now wondering how it went at S21-22 the last couple of weeks. Did more players leave as was noticed back with the experiment? Or do we have a succesfull experiment of longer time between cap raises?

Would very much like to know that @Polaris . Thanks in advance! :smile:

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