Update 2.3 Known Issues

Подскажите пожалуйста уже не раз слышала , что те кто взял 140 уровень до ввода 145 награду в виде банок выносливости и значков не получит , интересно почему ? Я что виновата , что вы тогда включали на неделю тройной и уровни летели как сумасшедшие ??? Я надеюсь очень, что все таки награда за мой 140 будет доставлена мне в почтовый ящик так как моей вины здесь нет !!!

Жду ответа @Polaris

After a fight, I can say this isn’t true and 1% chance is wrong. They were keep applying disables.

And why it does have fantastic damage icon?


It’s probably meant to be 10%… which would be more accurate…

Well… when I tested it it felt like they always apply it. So maybe it’s 100%, like Pooh’s red

It isn’t. I think it is 10%, which makes that total 20%, because of basic attack

Pesky decimals…It’s currently set to 100% when it should be 1%. We can fix this with a stat push.


You see? :upside_down_face:

I tested LSB against Slinky and they critted twice. He was not disabled.

Idk. I tested them against multiple enemies, and every single attack disabled. They managed to disable enemies against a hardy team

Strike that. It’s a text error - the skill should be 100%, but the text is showing only 1%.

But that’s unholy broken!

They reduce tenacity and evasion to level it doesn’t work on EVERY hero, scare enemies every 2 seconds (or aka. a hardy stack eater every 2s.), applying tons of fatigue stacks and red skill has a 100% to apply disable?!

This is broken!


Of course they’re more broken than the meta can handle

5% per crit is more reasonable…


Not to mention their active, 15s perm stun which can’t be evaded or reduced.

:woman_facepalming: this is such stupid.


At least Hardy exists

Definitely! Hopefully I won’t have to encounter them…


You mean encounter?

You most likely will. Only way to counter them is T&P and Hardy

Oh yes. :see_no_evil: Nice! T&P, Maximus, Belle, Tron, Rapunzel can join my team… :joy: I invested in all of them…

LSB removes a hardy stack every 2s, but they can also remove thru basic attacks like crazy.
Tron removes Hakuna and hardy stacks. Pretty much hopeless situation.


I hate these guys! Nobody should complain about Mulan or Winnie the Pooh or Shan Yu,… if these guys exist! :rage:

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