Update 2.3 Patch Notes

Wow, that’s late.

Well it mostly depends on PB’s time zone

10 minutes

Yay! We’re so close! I can finally soon go back to the game​:smiley::grin:

I have a feeling after this update, Everyone gonna start playing this game

I know right especially people trying to unlock Kim

Yep! the sad thing is that I’m having a break in school right now, and the server update will be when I have to go back to class :frowning:

Poor you! That’s really bad luck!

Me too big time I hate college

I’m in class​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m at home… :joy::joy::joy:

You too?!:neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

Yes it’s a pain

Yeah it’s like we can just cheat

Pretty much everyone’s at home, we all have online school. Either that, or you are an adult, but you’d probably still stay home.

No I’m home

Yeah I use google sometimes to cheat​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

I don’t have online school… :see_no_evil: But I’m in a completely different country so…

Yeah and we get away with it :joy::joy::joy:

Hahahahaha the teacher just wondering how I’m so smart

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