Update 2.4.01 Patch Notes

Why can’t it be Gonzo besides yzma :man_facepalming:


I waited so long for another Muppet characters. But now it’s finally here, with two characters! I’ve been thinking about having more Muppet characters for a whole while now. I hope it won’t be too hard to spend Arena tokens for some chips since I earned special rewards for that and the Coliseum tokens each night. Again, thank you so much for this announcement, I’ve been anticipated for new Muppet characters for a long time!:wink:

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Most likely, usually on Tuesdays when it comes to updates’ arrivals.

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Since people might overlook this bit right at the end


Looks like I was correct

Per blu do a double drop campaign drop yesterday so people used stamina

We get a FTN contest today so problem use stamina

Now we get told we have a level cap update on Tuesday


Ive lost all respect now for you per blue. More top players left our server. The amount of gold required is ridiculous. Ive been short on gold for 2 3 patches now. To much disk power needed to much stamina or badges required. Still not enough ways to earn gold or disk power. You have practically killed our server. Yet do nothing. I used to love the way you treated your customers. When you had dragon souls we were treated v v Well. Sadly you got greedy. Shame really. This
Games not got many more patches left the way you are going.


No, what?
10 c

It means datamining…


Wish they moved the event heroes to different crates. We are struggling with arena tokens as it is. Move them around to surge or city’s watch shop

I have 400k surge coins and 260k city watch

How people spend their tokens is up to them and their own requirements - they aren’t going to move heroes around to satisfy where any particular individual would like them to be :upside_down_face:


Thing is that we keep getting arena/coliseum crates, that drains the tokens while leaving surge tokens untouched because there never was surge crate.
And today, we just had arena crate, and next week there will be another, with different character.

But on the second side, good, Bunsen is criminally broken, less of him will be better, the purple skill needs to be changed… it’s so broken and making study heroes and lines useless, same as the money spent.


That could be replaced with Miss Piggy. But other then that, great update.

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Best. Announcement. EVER!!! I love this duo. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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They look fun, but depending on the stats also very OP. That purple skill makes me wonder if it’s finally time to stop keeping Barbossa leveled up. Obviously he’s still going to be useful, but is he going to remain useful enough to justify spending my limited resources on…

It’s taken a hard hit, to be sure, but being Precise for the entire battle doesn’t strike me as “trash”.


It is, it only works against Randall, Merlin and Violet are barely used (they aren’t).

Main point was debuff partly-immunity, it’s now gone.


I’m pretty sure Randall, Merlin, and Violet aren’t the only heroes in the game that dodge and evade attacks.


It will go to R16 since Orange went to 08 and its double that for the next color so after R16 there will be something else.


I’m sorry, what again?
Precise just allow targeting invisible enemies, dealing damage and applying debuffs to them even if enemy is invisible.

Problem also is, Randall turns invincible as well, then attacks will be ignored.


Precise also makes sure dissables and attacks can’t be evaded or dogded. So Robin’s activation of his green skill to soon is the only thing that is a problem for him.

The problems are I think worse for Kim and Barbossa


Thank you pb for an absolutely ginormous middle finger

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