Update 2.5.01 Patch Notes

Usually around 30 minutes to an hour.

It shouldn’t take forever.


This is a smol update anyways so it shouldn’t take that long, prolly just 30-40 mins

It depends on if they run into issues

Yea, not like that last one we had 1 week ago this one is just a bug fix.

Exactly, my friend

It adding a friendship disk I thought I saw so it could take a bit if there’s a problem

Tengo problemas

Ayer acabe la prolimera fase de la amistad con el sombrerero y al equiparle el disco no servia espero que lo arreglen por favor

I don’t really know what you are saying other than maybe something about trouble equipping discs

Escribe a perblue desde el juego, aquí no te harán caso ninguno :joy:

We need the severe lag time, following promoting a hero, when trying to equip the new badges, to be fixed.


It is a bit laggy, so wouldn’t hurt adding that.

Maybe you need a new phone

Badge equipping is very glitchy and laggy and crates opening are slow

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Not everything you guys complain about is the app I don’t have all the issues that you guys have so maybe you need to have a better network connection sometimes

How much longer for this update :v

Pretty sure 1000+ people don’t want new phones just to play a game :neutral_face:

And it’s most likely the game’s fault.


The update is complete!

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