Update 2.6.11 Patch Notes


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Am I the only one who hasn’t changed Mim?

Any idea how long it could be before it gets approve?

Can we expect this to be out today or can it takes days or weeks to be approve? I’m not sure how that works with the Apple store but maybe some of you know better than me about that?


25000?how did you achieve this result? Cheats? Exploits? My characters are pumped much stronger and have never seen such a gain

One thing to keep in mind is that we should probably get around 350-400/450 stamina packs as compensation for the lost free stamina for the time we lost during the IOS problems have been.
Here are some math I did on it and hopefully it is right and yeah, this is for server 5 mainly, but should apply to all the older server at max level 225.

7944.76 = (S5) Max free stamina per day with 1 more stamina buy.
7944.76 x 3 = 23834.28
23834.28 / 60 = 397.238

So yeah, we should technically get around 400 stamina packs if being completely fair.

Not sure how likely 400 stamina packs are as compensation I don’t know, but it is technically around what we should get as compensation to make up for how much stamina we lost during the days we haven’t been able to login out of us who has had IOS issues.

When will it be rolled out?

Not everyone spends all their free stamina in one day :man_shrugging:

Some people save up and just collect the actual free stamina (X * 3 per day).

For example, S1 can get up to 3,270 stamina per day if their stamina has already reached the soft cap. If someone missed three days of collecting that stamina (9,810 stamina), they should receive at least 164 stamina consumables for compensation.

We are waiting for Apple to review and approve the app. Sometimes it takes a short time, and sometimes it takes days. I will keep an eye on it over the weekend and post here when it’s been approved.


Thanks :grinning::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::smile:

Essa foi a pior ideia de vocĂȘs
 Medo na loja do roubo?! Ah vĂŁo a pqp! Medo Ă© um herĂłi que todos estĂŁo pegando, e vocĂȘs fazem isso?!

Thank you

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Wait, if it needs to get approved by Apple, how did this iOS glitch happen in the first place :joy::rofl::joy:

 . If people just get around 9810 stamina by by just collecting the bonus stamina, then it would technically be better to use all the stamina you get per day as you get 23834 stamina for the same period, which is over as double as much, meaning that you might actually lose out on some stamina/potential I would think.

Of course saving for contests and such is another thing, but yeah I at least prefer to use the stamina as I get it as I at least feel I get more out of doing such then waiting on using Double Normal Drop Bag.

But yes, you would be right with such logic we should get at least 164 stamina packs which I can agree with.

And thanks for the heads-up Polaris, and thank you for that you will keep an eye out over the weekend as well on when the update comes to the Apple Store :-).

It is so vastly different because jumba has by far the biggest bd boost in the game which also scales with bd at a ratio of 5:1 ish. So every time Kermit would pop that bonus would be a few times bigger

I thought they said that they were gonna have nothing today and this next week

This is an emergency fix rather than new content.

Oh and they also doing it on Monday

Will I get rewards from my guild contest rewards event tho I may not be able to participate due to lockout

You’ll still get it.

I will feel guilty about it probably

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