@Loutre can you please delete this comment… it’s really not needed here.
Not until tomorrow likely as it is Sunday now.
Oh hey, it’s not every day that someone makes my Ignore list with their very first comment, congrats!
Now we got racial slurs?
I’m putting bolt in my team, anyone else gonna put bolt in their team?
Watch your language
I might put him on my team once I get them from the prize wall.
@Loutre can you confirm if the contest hero will change more Regularly now ? After these new changes it seems like to me that after the Bolt prize wall has finished lilo will move to contest and bolt will move to diamond premium event crate and it will keep on changing like that ?
Yeah so you mean whenever the prize wall ends then a new character in future patch notes will take over
Wait a minute. Why does Bolt not have his bolt on his body? Is it on his other side, or is it completely gone?
Bolt only has a lightning bolt on his left side
Also, the blue skill icon has a lightning bolt on Bolt
So he probably gonna run up and then back so we can see it
Yes bolt is definitely going on my main team
l expected Bolt to be friends with Slinky Dog.
This will make a nice pfp
Cannot confirm.
Is it possible to change blind for silence?
Silence makes much more sense as it comes from a bark.
Or why not add both?
As long as Super Bark does something, I’ll still love it, whether it blinds or silences.