Update 5.2 Patch Notes


And my og was Stitch.
But also Miss Piggy, so yes!!!

I hope t9 get this

To be honest don’t mind more muppets being added as there are so many to choose from besides this one being added (dr teeth, Sam the eagle, mah na mah na and the do do’s, rowlf the dog, Floyd pepper, and uncle dead to name a few others).

However… when things that make the game more enjoyable like new guild perks to give some relief to the over expensive cost of upgrading toons with each color rank monthly to keep up with toons needed for other game modes like war and patch seasons to be more enjoyable , updated game modes that pay out more, permanently fixing lags and bugs (say permanently Becuase one update they maybe fixed but makes an appearance again another update down the line) or ftn contests that just keep going down score wise making people have a hard time just reaching all tier rewards even if they not substantial to the level of their server… there really isn’t much to enjoy other then seeing new toon ips added to the game and game friends. We get you say you need Disney authorization to add to the game, but what stops you from asking Disney if u can add this toon because game only got 2-3 toons currently under that ip or this ip not featured at all. End of the day I think us players just want the game to be going for nostalgia reasons but feel burnt out of same ips and lack of actual game improvements quality of life wise so far in between… it just becomes a chore and not an engaging experience. As a result, players feel the issue of the game is not the picture quality or game play… but the priorities of what perblue releases and do. Not a knock on the people actually working on the game as we appreciate all the hard work you do for it, but seems like an upper management issue of decision making. Either way … us players or you employees can only do one thing… just keep swimming, just keep swimming.


I agree, because time is key that either is fast or slow, in any case time isn’t always easy to go fast, but in my opinion it’s a gift from the universe.:relieved:


What time in july 11?

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Probably 16 to 17 hours from now; they usually update the servers between 11am and noon US Central time, although the update will be available in the app stores shortly before then.


Kids and Hercules sound fun to play as!

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so @Samm we are not getting kids refreshed even tho she will be the new challenger reward?


Update day yayyyy :unamused:


Elemental basically just came out. IIRC it takes about 6 months to develop and finish a character, so i doubt we’ll get any Elemental characters soon~


True. I still have yet to see this film. It looks so beautiful :star_struck: and I plan to see (& support) this film any day now! :fire::droplet:🪴 :cloud:
Also, it’s update day! Man things go fast doesn’t it?😮‍💨


Oh no, something is approaching.


Oh, that’s an interesting little tidbit…


Prepare for triple cap raise. :yum:


Dont worry, it ll be all character at same time. No need to rush.

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Pluto is technically in,Minnie’s white skill he runs across the screen


They’re licensed by Hasbro, so definitely not.

He is part of Minnie’s White Skill.


The update is complete!

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