Update 6.1-A Patch Notes

Forget about Oswald. Stick with the current patch notes.

Well, Mike’s red skill is being activated multiple times. That could be another investigation for the team.

@Samm when will badge booster crates have E10 badges? I’ve opened quite a number of new ones and no E10 badges at all

Tomorrow, hopefully, after the update is live, probably in 11 hours.

Awesome! Thank you for replying :heart:

You think I’m responsible for this? Are you the most humiliated?

I have to agree with you because certain characters we want to see will take time to come but not everyone will come because certain franchises won’t make it

The update already happened so, can you close this thread?

So, how do I look?

You look like someone who wants to tell @samm to close this thread

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