Update 6.2 Patch Notes

Wait a second. Update 6.2.1 came out super early. What was that about? What does 6.2.1 have? Maybe it should be 6.2.01.

First of all, thanks for offering the alternate promo code teamwork to players who already had VIP5; that was a nice gesture. I also appreciate getting this week’s bugfix out promptly, even if I hope this is the last time the Guild War attack phase has to be disrupted in its closing hour. :sweat_smile:

I did want to mention that I haven’t seen any change in the rewards I’ve gotten from the video crates. A minor issue, obviously, but I felt it’s worth keeping track of.

It would be surprising with inside out two characters and Bing bong too !

She IS the City Watch crate.

I prefer new hero chips in the contest progress rewards and other exclusive heroes in rank rewards instead of this junk.
I mean it’s good for new players but it just makes it harder to get the new hero than ever.


It would be surprising with Bloofy from Inside Out 2 and Bing Bong too!

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Of Lot Love Just

This was a six nine joke.

Guau pero deben meter más personajes de películas más resistentes o de películas clásicas

También personajes de amphibia, gravity fallas, o seguir con los de la casa bhuo .

I tried to ask my parent but they said no

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Did Badge Booster Crates get removed from the Prizewall


Not entirely… but they’re so rare now I don’t blame you for thinking that


Yeah…the prize wall offers little to no benefit for playing it. It doesn’t matter whether you pay or not. Thanks PB! You destroy everything you touch.:kissing_heart:


Yeah, when Bloofy from Inside Out 2 will come in Disney’s Heroes: Battle Mode?

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How are they supposed to know?! They Aren’t a Perblue staff memeber

This topic needs to be closed.

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No, no it don’t need to be closed.

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Just close already, I mean it.

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