Update 6.5 Patch Notes

I am not spamming anything racist…

Oh, be quiet :zipper_mouth_face:

@Samm, please ban King_Olaf_Snowman

Although I understand your annoyance, your constant messages spamming to tell them to stop is ironically causing a problem too. So please just stop responding and don’t give them attention. Just use the “Ignore” feature so you don’t have to see their messages…


Sorry Defender Yzma, it is just they’re really annoying. I’ll try to ignore them

Just emphasizing this because…


and what does this mean?

“Damage” role.

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oh ok thank you.

(Talking about Lady and Tramp)

Waldorf: Well, it’s official. This game has gone to the dogs.

(Their booth a full of dogs)

Statler: You can say that again.

(Talking about Franny Robinson)

Statler: Does teaching frog to play music constitute as cruelty to animals?

Waldorf: Not unless players are playing them.


Well, Season 24 should include the Incredibles as the only franchise with no refresh or balance.

Updates day

Well, the dogs can already be seen in-game, but they don’t look finalized yet.

Already? I better go see

You right Lady and Tramp are in the game

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It’s here

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So, no Isa or Franny for the icon…maybe next time.

Does putting both Lady and Tramp on the icon count as cheating?

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I don’t think so.

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