Update! Predictions

Hey uhh I’m kinda impatient so does anyone have any predictions for the next update and when it will be released :+1::hugs::money_mouth_face: MY PREDICTIONS: Next week With Another Tv Character Like Kim Possible or Dipper And Mable Along With Invasion On Servers 2-8 With Mods

I hope we will get patch note today and update tomorrow, so we will have time to prepare.

Any hero which I want is Scrooge.

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Well we will have something for sure in the next 2 days since sign hero need to change… hope will be a new hero for march and not that much op as olaf is… sign in hero are always bad or op… never saw a pretty balanced one :joy:

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I don’t think they are going to release the Invasion for other servers so soon, there were kinda a lot of bug reports. What about new character for March-that’s difficult to predict, PerBlue have their own way of choosing characters. I mean, who expected Darkwing Duck here? Someone did, of course, but not many. Gaston was more predictable but almost forgotten as the leak is really old. Let us see it soon, the update is coming very soon and we all know it.

What about Jack Jack??

Perblue clearly stated they would release a new hero. I hope it is Mulan as she is very popular. Also a hero refresh may happen too. prolly Yax or Felix.


I hope that too, but for being honest i expect something related to March more, something lucky (Scrooge McDuck) or something related to spring (Alice, Mad Hatter). But hey, who knows?


Last month was the Chinese New year so she could just come in a little late. Besides, they also do what is most popular.

I guess there was a hint hidden in last chapter of the very last district - it was a kiminucator so I guess for Kim Possible - just guessing…
Yax needs a much welcomed boost…for instance his heal should be percentage rated…

@Wild_Eule you know newest chapter for S1 is 15? S1 have kiminucator badge from 9 months.

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Well, releasing mods but not invasion yet would be a good thing. I’d like to get used to mods before we get a gamemode solely for collecting them. As for the new hero, I’m happy to get any new ones and don’t have anyone in particular I want. (That would be released alone, anyways :wink:)

No you got me wrong. In chapter 15 there was a (current) last mission. And normally its missions drop orange badge splinters. In the very LAST mission of chapter 15 it suddenly dropped only one badge - a sole kiminucator.
This COULD be a coincidence but I believe it was a so called “easter egg”.

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Ugh makes sense but I hope you are
wrong cuz I do not Kim Possible. I want virtually any not TV show characters.

Well I can think of another half dozen options but you have to admit that the show itself was very funny and entertaining!

I’m pretty excited 4 the next patch notes. Even without a new hero, dis game is still amazing.


Maybe this update is the alice in wonderland one


@Polaris please do more hero teasers I missed them!please release one for this new hero!


A charther who releted to spiring can wait to april march is mostly winter month only in the final days it is getting bit warmer my guess could be huey luey and duey they are tripels and march is number 3 month so they could releate

I’m expecting patch notes today possibly this evening cause that’s when they normally release them. I can’t wait​:crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue::yum::smile::joy::blush::slight_smile:️:+1:

Does anyone have an idea on who this could be cause maybe since shanks name was in the garage Before her addition. Maybe it could be the same with this character

has t’s the character two the far right wall

Shank introduce garage so that’s why her name is here.

Still no info about update…

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