Can Ursula’s alternate costume be Vanessa? That would be awesome!
I don’t think it’s possible
It’s highly unlikely to have Vanessa as her Alt Costume, mainly because of her Blue Skill, which relies on her hitting the Enemies with her tentacle.
But if you think you can make a way around it, i.e. having the Tentacles appear when the Blue Skill arrives, then it’s a possibility.
You got the point. But how’s the tentacles appear if she in her human form?
You know, I’m feeling a little positive and support this lad’s / lass’ idea.
Ursula could come in her Alt Costume as Vanessa. The problem is that she needs her tentacles to attack. You could remedy that by having her feet turn into tentacles the moment she does her Blue Skill.
Maybe her arm, perhaps?
She already has arms. Like I said, her tentacles, which help her to walk, attack the enemies. So turning her feet into tentacles would be suitable.
I guess you’re right