The locked auto feature in arena and colosseum needs to be removed due to Ursula’s active skill.
Or at the very least hexed heroes running on auto should not trigger their active skill.
It’s pretty average watching your own team essentially kill them selves.
The locked auto is the only way pvp in coli and arena is fair st all. Why would you remove it?
I’d rather not but they’ve introduced a mechanic that basically requires it.
So you need to counter Ursula. Quorra is finally hurting for the first time since she was introduced lol.
And that would be who exactly?
The reason why Ursula was made. Quorra’s always been OP
You wanna remove the defining feature of the modes because of 1 character?
If the hero breaks the mode yes.
Quorra was tweaked last update.
And nerf her if that’s the case.
Don’t break 2 game modes at once.
Removing locked auto? No.
Ursula is made this way to take huge advantage of locked auto.
Lol Ursula doesn’t break the mode. She would be worse if we could control her when using her
Lol. It’s not about controlling Ursula…
That’s kind of my point…
Unlocking auto would let you control her though if you use her, which would cause more problems
It’s not fair because people use quorra and she is already broken so now its an instant loss every time ursula uses her hex. She needs to be banned from PvP until they nerf her or remove auto battles
Lmao! Don’t know where to start with this one.
Are you saying it’s not fair cause she counter(gonna use loosly, cause she def isn’t a hard counter to her) quorra and most people use her in their comps? Crazy idea… don’t use her… WHAT???
Ursula is very well balanced (if anything, maybe shorten the stun from the hex just a little). There is no reason to ban her.
Also, unlocking auto in pvp would completely ruin the arena and coliseum in this game. You would need to revamp the whole system to something where people play each other live in order for it to be fair. Current system (outside of how some of the promotions work I think) is very fair
“Oh no I can’t beat this character so I want a system that has been in place since launch to make the game fair and balanced to be removed. All because I can’t use the strongest character in a game that the character I can’t beat was made to counter. Whatever shall I do?”
You realize there are more characters than Quorra right? Zurg actually works well against her because if he starts his blaster hex doesn’t work since he isn’t activating it with each shot. In essence you need to properly use strategy and counters as opposed to relying on one hero.
Please read my original post. I never bring up quorra. She’s not even in my arena team.
And please explain how auto optional works in guild wars but would break arena and colosseum?
My reply wasn’t towards you but someone else who used Quorra as an example. The reason why unlocked auto works in GW and not in Arena & Col imo is because of off duty heroes. Thanks to the off duty system a lot of players are having to come up with new teams or use different heroes than they are used to. Versus 3 teams which don’t have any limitations on who they can use gives defense the advantage. Combine on top of that the different car buffs and debuffs and giving offense the ability to manually control their white skills gives it more semblance of balance.
With Arena and Col you can choose any heroes on offense and defense so having locked auto makes it to where no one side has an innate advantage. Changing this mechanic would break those two PvP modes by not allowing the offense and defense to be on even playing fields. Plus locked auto is a staple of games like this in PvP. The only reason people now complain about this feature is because of a newer character being added.
If people were to have been complaining either just after WW launch or during the closed beta this could’ve been changed, yet people didn’t because it was balanced. Now when a hero comes along to take advantage of a system people start to complain, not because of the system, but because they don’t know how to work around said character and want the game made easier for them. That’s what a majority of these “X is to OP” posts boil down to and this one follows in suit.