Villains concept

First Randal Cause I think people wanted another Monsters inc character
I think Randal would be a control or damage
White Skill: He Scares his enemies with his Roar dealing X damage
Green skill: Randal uses His camouflage to confuse his enemies for X seconds It has a chance to fail against enemies who have higher level the the skill
Blue Skill: Randal starts Combat invisible for X seconds
Purple Skill: Do more damage to Scared enemies
Friendships: Scar,Mike

Captain Hook should be a damage
White Skill: Captain Hook swings his Hook down Dealing X damage and stunning
Green Skill: Captain Hook pulls out his watch Slowing Enemies And speeding hooks attacks Has a chance to fail
Blue Skill: Captain Hook Opens Up a treasure chest healing Hook X HP
Purple skill: Every Time Hook opens a chest He does X% more damage
Friendships: Barbossa,Ursula

Devil should be damage
White Skill: Devil drives Across the battle field in her car dealing X damage
Green Skill: Devil Stuns enemies with smoke in the air for X Seconds has a chance to fail
Blue Skill: Devil gets angry and Her attack speed increases
Purple Skill Devil does more damage to stunned enemies
Friendships: Hook,Jafar

I also did a concept on Herc Pooh and M-O and we got 1/3 of them so let’s hope we get some here to

The posts seems had to geting little efforts what about discs you should my randal boggs concpet and see how good concpet is made

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  • White Skill is Sulley’s White Skill

  • How would the “Confusion” play out? Is it Stun? Silence?

  • Blue Skill is Scar’s Blue Skill

  • Purple Skill kind of looks like Jack Skellington’s Red Skill

Captain Hook

  • Captain Hook has a sword… so why isn’t he using it?

  • White Skill is very weak. Kind of like Ralph or Felix’s White Skills

  • Green Skill is Jafar’s Green Skill + the attack buff

  • How does one opening a chest heal one’s self?

  • Purple Skill heavily relies on the Blue Skill. You didn’t mention a cooldown, so we don’t know how much the Purple Buff’s going to be until the time runs out.

Cruella de Vil

  • White Skill is Shank’s White Skill

  • Green Skill is Darkwing Duck’s Blue Skill

  • Blue Skill is Merida/Mr. Incredible’s Blue Skills

  • Purple Skill is just Gaston [Ca]

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Speaking off randal bogs concpet i edited and would want to ask if your opinion if do you think they are improved in your opinion

Hey, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

Plus, I always point out similar Skills in Concepts, like Randall’s White Skill, which is similar to Sulley’s White Skill, which both Scare and Damage enemies.

P.S: I’m trying my best to give a constructive criticism. If you don’t want me to give a feedback, then I’ll just show myself out.

His Sword could be his basic attack

No man your fine @HeroSSWin

Just the Fact there’s 72 Characters and sometimes characters are kinda the same Its hard to come up with new skills

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Keep practiceing in making concpets the more effort you will do and practice you will do the batter the conpects will be

So what do you think of the Friendships

For crula de vile ursula and scar could be logical friends for her for hook peter pen and 1 off the pirates off the caribin charther will do either jack sparow or hector barabosa with randal i tried jack skellington and mike since mike and randal

Well it seems most of these villains don’t have friendships with there Rivals

I like hooks Wasn’t sure on Randalls Devils First one not sure about

I will explain why mike if you watched monster universty mike and randal were friends and mike did not even meant to hurt randal he only teamed with up sulley and did not another option or he could nit be in the scaring games so friendship with these 2 is possible

Yea So maybe scar and mike

Refering as friend for which charther?

Devil With Hook

Then again they both hate animals

Good job love it

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