Vinny is broken

My Vinny is at max level and has his red skill maxed, but often times enemy Quorras, Gonzos, chipmunks, etc. are still able to hit me with their first strikes; which his red skill is supposed to be blocking.

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He’s only supposed to block and stun against speed buffs. He often does that vs many other things, which results in them being stunned during the animation and is a bug, not the rule.

That aside, if they have evasion (which everyone can have via subclass if the player decides to give it to them), they can avoid the stun regardless.


Quorra, Gonzo, and Chip & Dale are all untargetable in their entry strike, which includes debuffs such as stuns. (Quorra is the only one whose skill description explicitly states this, but I’ve never found that Gonzo and the chipmunks are any different.) This would also be why they’re still hitting, in addition to lacking the speed buff to trigger Vinny’s red.

Not directly related to the original question, but one thing I have noticed is enemy Vinny will count the collections attack speed buff and will stun my entire team if his red skill level allows. Technically it is within his kit parameters I guess, but nonetheless annoying at times. Though as you say, it is eventually avoidable either by boosting evasion or leveling your heros high enough to not really be affected. Or using a debuff blocker/hardy, and several heros have stun immunity as a 3rd patch talent.

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Well then how the hell AM I supposed to stop those OP scumbags from nuking my whole team, before they even have a chance to fight?! I’m sick and tired of it!

It’s bad enough, my war attacks keep failing because the enemy won’t take a lick of damage, for some incredibly STUPID reason, even when I use my best guys, who are of higher levels and patch ranks than the enemy!

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