VIP 5 to VIP 4?


Why am I downgraded to VIP 4 from VIP 5 today?
So I bought a package (you can see in the picture, I got Eda Chips). When I bought it, there was a VIP ring which made me increase it from VIP 3 to VIP 5. But why has it dropped to VIP 4 today? I bought it, so it’s a loss, right???
How??? & Why???

*Sorry for my bad English, I’m Indonesian :pray:t2:
& Sorry the proof is in the form of screenshots… but I’m not lying. It actually happened from VIP 3 to VIP 5, suddenly today it dropped to VIP 4 :pray:t2:

Q : Has anyone ever had something like me happen?

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The vip 5 item only lasts for one day. I guess the rings from the deal were only enough to get to vip 4, hard to say without seeing the deal itself

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