Vision/Scarlet Witch Friendship Campaign


The friendship is based on two of my concepts, these of Scarlet Witch and Vision. Enjoy.


Wanda, it’s so lovely that you’re here too. Maybe we could explore the city further.

Sure Vision. I can’t remember the last time we spent some time together.

Chapter 1: "A Creep In The Past"

Ally: - None -

Hey Viz, is everything alright? You seem… distracted.

Oh, Wanda. It wasn’t my intention to worry you. It’s nothing important. I guess my arrival at the city is yet in germinal stage.

You must adapt to the city’s way of life. Maybe we should go around and meet you with some new people.

That would be quite nice. Thank you.

1. To help him adapt to the city, Wanda decides to take Vision for a walk around the city.

2. As an android, Vision could fit better among others like him.

3. So Wanda takes Vision to the Institute of Technology.

4. On their way to the institute, a horde of creeps attack them.

5. They fight them but Vision screams in pain as the Mind Stone glows.

Vision, what’s wrong?

Something about those creeps. They seem pretty odd, Wanda. Don’t you think? Even a bit familiar.

I don’t know a lot about tech but I do feel like I’ve seen them somewhere. Let’s take a piece of them to the Institute. Maybe they could find what’s the matter with them.

Chapter 2: "The Institute

Ally: Merlin

1. Vision and Wanda take a piece of the robots so the students in the institute could examine it.

2. They arrive at the institute and go in.

3. Go Go passes them fast and Honey Lemon follows her closely behind.

4. Wanda asks Honey Lemon where’s Hiro’s Lab.

5. Honey Lemon shows them the lab and she departs.

Wanda, welcome to my lab. I didn’t know you were bringing company. And a robotic company as well.

Yeah, sorry to bother you unexpectedly. This is Vision.

A pleasure to meet you, Hiro.

Same for me, Vision. If I may, your design is amazing! I should add a cape to Baymax’s suit too.

As much as we’d like to talk about suits, we need your help Hiro.

Chapter 3: "Glimpse Of Mind"

Ally: Jumba

1. Wanda shows Hiro the robotic piece the brought along.

2. Hiro examines it and tells them that this is a totally different-designed creep.

3. Wanda tries to remember where she had seen these kind of robots before.

4. Hiro notices that there’s an AI chip installed in the piece.

5. In a glimpse, Vision remembers Ultron.

It can’t be.

The possibilities are pretty high.

Excuse me, who’s Ultron?

Ultron was an evil robot who planned to destroy the whole world. Eventually, he destroyed a whole city but we stopped him before his bigger plan.

Wow, that sounds pretty bad for the city.

Where in this city will someone be able to build AI Androids?

Chapter 4: "Robots In Progress"

Ally: Captain Amelia

1. Hiro tells Vision about a man making robots and high-tech androids.

2. That man has also made an AI just like Ultron, which got very evolved and almost destroyed everything.

3. The man was living in a volcano island.

4. Hiro kept the robotic piece to examine it more.

5. Wanda and Vision left for the island.

Perfect location for a robot-making facility.

An old factory in the heart of an active volcano. Not really Ultron’s style, don’t you think?

I agree. But it’s worth a check.

Chapter 5: "Wall Is Lava"

Allies: Merlin, Jumba

1. The factory’s entrance was guarded by many Ultron robots.

2. Wanda and Vision took them all out.

3. The gate was sealed tight.

4. But Wanda used her powers and opened the gate.

5. They run inside a big office with a wall of floating lava.

Pretty impressive, huh?

Indeed. And very odd, I should add. Ultron’s not used to live in these kind of residents.

What do you mean?

I mean that Ultron might not work alone.

Chapter 6: "Ultron Invasion"

Allies: Merlin, Captain Amelia

1. Suddenly the lava wall cuts in half and an Ultron robot flies toward Vision and attacks him.

2. The robot smacks Vision to the wall.

**3. Wanda tears apart the robot in half. **

4. But more kept coming.

5. Finally, the man behind all these appeared flying.

Well, well, well, what do we have here. If it isn’t the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. Pretty impressive names, I must say.

Who are you?

Oh, me? Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself properly. The name’s Syndrome or should I say City’s New Leader.

We can’t allow that! Where’s Ultron?!

Chapter 7: "Age Of Syndrome"

Jumba, Captain Amelia

1. Syndrome explains his plan.

2. He did research on Vision and found out about the Avengers’ encounter with Ultron.

3. This gave Syndrome the idea to create an AI just like Ultron to conquer the city.

4. Syndrome had sent hundreds of Ultron robots around the city and controlled then by the panel in his hand.

5. Vision flew to Syndrome and with a beam of the Mind Stone, he destroyed the panel, shutting down all Ultron robots.

No! My plan! My perfect, beautiful plan! You ruined it!

Go to sleep now, Syndrome.

Vision, how are you now.

I’m okay Wanda and I’ll be better as soon as we clear the city out of all the Ultron robots.

We will Viz. I promise.

Chapter 8: "Last Trace Of Ultron"

Allies: Merlin, Jumba, Captain Amelia

1. There were still some active Ultron robots around the city.

2. The Avengers were already fighting them.

3. The Incredibles were a great deal, feeling responsible for what Syndrome did.

4. And with the help from Big Hero 6, the city was clean from any trace of robots.

5. The city was saved.

Thank you, Wanda.

About what, Vision?

For being there with me this whole time.

I couldn’t let you do it alone.

Wait, you knew I was about to investigate this either way?

Of course I did.

I love you Wanda.

I love you too, Vision.

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