Vote for one of this characters for next update!

Yes the Beast from Beauty and the Beast would be cool. @JustaAverageJoe he could transform into a Prince


Beast is already confirmed, I believe.


Kim Possible, of course. With the live-action Kim Possible movie out, it would be the perfect opportunity for them to add her to the game.

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For me, I would like to see Kim Possible, Jasmine, Tarzan, Mushu and Mulan.


Goofy or Baloo. That would be cool

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Imagine king Loowie (donā€™t know how to spell) he eats a banana :banana: and gains some life special attack would be a swarm of monkeys :monkey: there could also be a dancing :man_dancing:t4: attack or skill (yes Iā€™m talking about the classic movie not the live action one)


Hercules bitte bitte


Tarzan any day. Letā€™s hope they donā€™t ruin him with terrible skill sets


Definitely Tarzanā€¦


1 Zeus :zap: God of the Sky

2 Hercules
3 Jasmine
4 Kim Possible
5 Mulan


That would be awesome

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All of nightmare before Christmas. GizmoDuck. Powerline. Doug from UP. Flick. Just some I thought of

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Scar and Maleficent are already in this game.

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My vote would go for Roger Rabbit!!

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Considering Extract of Llama is already in the game, I hope to see her soon, likely, due to her frailty/infinite age, potions, etc, she would be a control character that uses potions to weaken ememies, heal her allies (or make a dud ā€œYzmaā€™s Young and Beautifulā€ from the second movie that the enemies rush towards and get distracted for 4-8 seconds), and, of course, sending out Kronk to fight for her

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My picks are

  1. Rapunzel
  2. Mulan
  3. Hercules
  4. Donald Duck
  5. Ana
  6. Simba
  7. Goofy
  8. Tarzan
  9. Peter Pan
  10. Ariel
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Itā€™s funny Iā€™ve been thinking about writing a post for it and still might do it, but since heā€™s mentioned here Iā€™ll say it loud and proud Chicken Little for me.

My vote is for Roger Rabbit

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Again, :star2:. :star2: TARZAN :star2: :star2: Lord of the Jungle! :elephant: :palm_tree: :giraffe: :palm_tree: :monkey: :tanabata_tree: :tiger2: :deciduous_tree: :lion: with trees to swing from & Jungle animals at his becon call! :snake: :tanabata_tree: :zebra: :palm_tree:

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I vote for
:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: Zeus :cloud_with_lightning:

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