Voyd concept


Stars : :star::star:
Here her game avatars looks terrible lol!
Description : a shy and powerful heroine who can make portals to manipulate enemies position ,while supporting her allies as well.

Quote : “wow come on get yourself together… karen !”

Entrance : she comes out from portal that she made.
Victory : she laughs like this
Basic damage : throws voyd circle.

Skills : portals of reflection
White : she creates a portal infront of allies , and other portal behind of enemies team .
Any projectile that sent into first portal will exit from second portal and dealing damage to back line enemies .
Portal can be closed when the maximum damage enters them it’s mean portal can abros up to X damage .
Portal lasts for 5 seconds.
Only projectiles can enter the portal.

Green : cup in the hole
She gives a cup coffee to an ally , giving him/hear 300 energy and make him/her awake.
Awake ally is immune to disables for 4 second.
Blue : void trap
She makes a portal beneath an enemy foot and sent it to portal , vanish the enemy got 5 second and then she creates a portal and sent enemy to same position that he /she was .

Purple : unique power
When one of void allies including her self , reaches 0 hp , she Creates a portal to sent ally at enemies back line .healing ally by x.
She could use this once a battle .
Friend ship :
Elasti girl -shy fan
“Portal of reflection” +1 second (+1 EL) last longer
More hp to portal.

Violet : supporting duty
Voyd trap can cast on ally too and healing them each second
+0.5 second voyd trap duration.

Hope you like my concept


This is super duper cool. :wink:

Please continue with this character development. :slight_smile:

Void is 1 of my personal favorites, due to how realistic she is compared to a modern day society.

she is awkward and clumsy, but she is also deeply compassionate and tries her best at anything.

I hope they add her into the game soon :sunny: .

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Thanks for your feedback !
Also i love her , she is so shy but lovely
She is introvert hero ,

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I remember growing up, that many of us were bullied for loving comic books and marvel superheroes.

Now it’s a big thing, for everyone.

Plus, it’s super cool that there are platforms like this to share and engage in geek “paradise” lol :smile:.

Please let this become a bigger discussion. :slight_smile:

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True, and many people agree that the incredibles are based on the Fantastic 4.

Edward scissors hands is a must too :):smile:

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