Wall e as a btd6 tower



He has a plant which increase all towers in his range 10% more attack speed he also shoots a laser dealing 2 layers of damage to bloons

Top path the laser

Plasmo beam $800: Can pop lead and deals 5 layers of damage.

Tri beam $800: shoots 3 lasers and deals 2 more layers of damage

Solid beams $2000: now shoots 3 solid beams which deals damage every 2 seconds

Blazing beams $4500: Can pop all bloon types and laser now deals double the damage and deals damage every 0.50 seconds.

Laser reflector $38005: now has 8 lasers in a circle around it which deals 3x more damage and even more damage to moabs.

Middle path the supporter

Rising roots $350: the plant now increases towers in radius’s range by 20% and can pop lead

Litttle bloom $800: Wall e has faster attack speed and all towers within range has 50% more pierce

Root in the bot $2500: cannot attack but has bigger range and all bonuses are doubled

Pod call $10,000: Ability increases all tower in radius’s pierce by 2 and popping power by 5 permanently

Axiom support $75000: Now has global range and can attack by shooting trees which deal 20 damage and has 50 pierce ability calls the axiom: Which also drops cash and lives and also increase towers attack speed by 85% permanently.

Bottom path the architect

Advanced goggles $150: bigger range can see camo bloons

Cubey $600: occasionally shoots garbage cubes which deal 10 pops per hit can withstand 80 rbe

Spiked cubes $1200: shoots cubes faster which deal 20 pops per hit and can withstand 300 rbe

Cubeitect $2500: Cubes deal a lot more damage to moabs can only make cubes has faster cube making

Wall-a $25,000: Sorry no 0-0-5 wall e but there is a wall-a which has the upgrade traits and has big cubes which can withstand 3000 rbe and deals 850 pops per hit


Extra neon Wall-a version laser $850,000: rapidly shoots spiked trash tree which deal 3000 damage per hit and can withstand 18,000 rbe and has a ring of lasers which deal 350 pops per 0.001 seconds

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