I don’t think war match making is fair. At least not in server 22. My guild is rank 10th. This month, we are still in silver rank. We have lost most wars in December because in spite of all tje losses, this month we have had to fight the guilds ranked in tje first 5 places in the last 7 seven wars. Do you think that’s fair?
First, before blaming the unfairness, check your defense. If it is weak, it’s a reason for your loss. Second, if your matchmaking rank is high, you’re likely will get stronger enemies. If neither conditions are met, I need to see further to make a verdict.
this is why it’s been raised so many times that PB’s matchmaking system causes this issue for guilds of similar rank (around 8th - 12th), and nothing has ever been done.
Basically they are happy for that relatively small amount of players to be unable to play war properly as it works fine for everyone else.
My guild eventually decided that the only solution was to deliberately lose a bunch of wars every season to keep us below that rank band, and now we have more competitive matchups. It’s a nonsense, but yeah.
Good luck
The guilds ranked 4 to 10 are in a tough spot.
The top 5 guilds have to fight lower guilds the majority of the time.
The top guilds roll over everyone but the top tier teams.
Then guilds in the middle will possibly fight some of the top teams twice a month. If they lose any of the wars vs the guilds with similar or lower power it is a struggle.
Unfortunately there isn’t a real good way around the matchmaking math. Merges will help for a while because it will give new guilds of similar powers to fight, but eventually the MMRs will even out and it will be back to the same.
If mmr dropped/raise same amount regardless of win lose I don’t think it would be so bad in matchups but we can lose to the 1st place guild and lose 1 total point of mmr and if we lose to someone around 10-20th we could lose up to 50 points it never added up tbh
I think we had to throw something like 10 wars in a row to get our MMR down to a safe range; even now, if we win more than twice in a row, our MMR creeps back up to the point we start seeing top 5 guilds again.
@Lionheart_II f you’re on a server that’s scheduled to be merged in January, I’d recommend holding out until then; for at least a couple of months after the merge, you should be getting a lot more reasonable opponents. After the merge, once you reach Legendary for the month, I’d recommend throwing any other matches you have; ideally, every month you’ll end up with a 7-8 record.
Not really, but I think there are solutions that would at least mitigate the problem. The simplest one, which I think is worth trying, is to change the matchmaking logic so that, as much as possible, teams in Legendary only fight other teams in Legendary. This would result in some really lopsided matchups in Legendary, but by that point wins and losses only matter for the top 3-5 guilds anyway, and even then the difference in rewards is negligible.
A better, but more complicated, solution would require changing how MMR is calculated. Currently, if two opponents have roughly equivalent MMRs, then a win will change their MMR a moderate amount, while a loss will change it a lesser, but still noticeable, amount. If team A’s MMR is a lot higher than team B’s MMR, then a win will hardly change team A’s MMR, while a loss will send it plummeting; conversely, if team A’s MMR is a lot lower than team B’s, then a win will send their MMR skyrocketing while a loss will only change it a few points.
For most guilds, this is reasonable: if you start regularly beating guilds with a higher MMR, you’ve probably gotten stronger (or just better at war) and should be facing stronger opponents; conversely, if you’re losing to guilds with a higher MMR, it’s probably because your guild has lost some valuable members and really ought to be facing weaker opponents. However, because power inevitably concentrates among the top few guilds, the gap between their MMR ratings and the ratings of the “ordinary” top guilds grows steadily wider; thus, a guild ranked 8th in MMR can easily lose 4 or 5 wars in a row to the top guilds, yet see their MMR drop only a couple dozen points, leaving them still in 8th place.
One way to counteract that inertia, I think, would be to make MMR change more drastically for losses to guilds with a much higher MMR; thus, if team A’s MMR is 100 points higher than team B’s MMR, and team B loses, their MMR should drop by, say, 25-40 points rather than just 2-5 points. That should cause more fluctuations in the MMR rankings for the 6th-20th place guilds, hopefully allowing them opportunities to face more reasonable opponents often enough to get their 7 wins each month.
(@Loutre, I know this is my typically-verbose rambling, but is there any chance these suggestions could be passed along to the team for consideration? I know the unfair matchmaking in war affects only a handful of players on each server, but for those players it’s extremely discouraging.)
Defenses? How can you set up Defenses against top 5 guilds? The problem is not los losing to all rivales. The problem is we are being matched against guilds a lot higher than us all the time
That Washington the way before and I think it worked. I dont why they changed it
There just aren’t enough guilds at equal strength. To compound the problem war opponents repeat every 6 wars.
In my opinion if matchmaking was changed to 1 time per month or 1 in 12 wars it would help minimize the problem because mid ranked guilds wouldn’t have to fight the top 5 guilds as often.
Lower guilds will end up losing more but maybe it will push some of the half dead guilds to merge.
My crazy idea is to have PB make shadow / glitch copies of war.
Basically they would fight the top few guilds each month with mirror copies of the teams / defenses. So basically we would have to beat ourselves. Which could be fun.
U can change your strategy and find your loopholes in defense (ie. There is a regular pattern in them fighting, and that’s your weakness. U can avoid that by changing your lineups and the guild’s lineups.)
Or like what someone else said, u can keep losing to get a weaker guild to fight, works every time.
If your guild has most of its defenses in the 10M to 60M range, and you’re facing guilds where 80M is the low end of their war defenses, no amount of strategy will allow you to win.
Maybe, but at least u gave a shot at defending. It will still give points as long as it’s not a clean sweep